Thursday, January 17, 2008

Please Check Out Two Fine Posts

I subscribe to, and read many blogs on MySpace, Iowa Press,blogspot,blogger,soulcast, and others, and have found a lot of good stuff, along with the bad that is out there. Today I would like to recommend two blogs to you, and hope you like the content enough to go back often.

The first is a MySpace friend, that I have recommended before. It is Paris Love, Ex-Stripper, and her blog Stripped Bare, and her post today titled "A Day In The Life Of Joe Conservative" under the post an oldie but a goodie, and it has an interesting take on what America would be like without liberals. I am pretty Conservative, so I had to read this post, and it made me think alot while I was reading it, as well as after I finished. I hope you read it and see what it does for you!!


My second recommendation, is also a MySpace friend, who I have recommended before, and who writes poetic tomes on the issues and news of the day. His name is Mark Lysgaard, and he IS liberal, but also very telling, and often quite funny. He also has a book of his poetic posts that was just published and is available directly through his blog. His poetic post today was titled "Kucinich Gambles WIth Nevada Judge" and was about Dennis Kucinich not being allowed to debate with the other Democratic contenders this last weekend. Mark makes very good points as usual, and if you have a taste for politics and poetry, you will become a regular reader, whether you agree with him or not!!


Thanks for checking out these two fine bloggers, and have a great Friday!!

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