Monday, January 07, 2008

Is Obama Different?

I had written that Barack Hussein Obama was a socialist, and I came to that conclusion after reading his books, articles attributed to him, and listening to his "progressive/socialist" speeches. While trying to pin this down even more I came across some real Socialists, i.e. through the website, and have found that far from being a "true" socialist, Obama, may be just another DLC corporate candidate wanna be, and may be closer to Bill Clinton, than Karl Marx. I have included a short excerpt from someone who has followed Obama, and the link to the entire story, it may enlighten followers of Obama, as to what he is really about.

ADAM TURL tells about the Barack Obama he’s seen in action for years in Chicago--and reveals the reality behind “Obamamania.”

A YEAR before the first contests of the primaries, the 2008 presidential campaign is already underway, with the major candidates of both parties plunging into the race.

Sen. Hillary Clinton, the pre-ordained frontrunner of the Democratic Party machine, was hogging the media spotlight at the end of January. But Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, trying to turn months of media hype into a full-fledged campaign, is generating hope among many liberals and progressives.

After reading the article, Obama supporters may question the authenticity of his "Change, you can believe in" slogan! As for myself, I am a little less frightened of the prospect of Obama attaining the Presidency, in that he now seems a little more planted in realpoliticks, where our next President needs to live, than in socialist ideology, gleaned from his earlier writings!
Have A Great Monday!!


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