Friday, January 04, 2008

Clinton Retools Campaign And More

I am still surprised by the win of Barack Obama ( or as Senator Ted Kennedy would say "Osama Obama"), over Senator Hillary Clinton. Is this an indication of Obama's appeal, or is it a lack of understanding of who this man really is! If you have read his book "The Audacity Of Hope", you might get the impression that he is a reasonable person, but his underlying core is one of leftist, socialistic beliefs, and no amount of sugar coating, will make his medicine go down any easier.

Fighting back from a devastating loss in Iowa, Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to recalibrate her campaign in New Hampshire Friday by promising to answer as many voter questions as possible.

New Hampshire could make or break Clinton's candidacy. A good showing in this snowbound state may be her only chance to stem the bleeding from Thursday night's Iowa caucuses, where voters resoundingly rejected her message of experience in favor of a charismatic newcomer, Barack Obama.

I have some Republican friends who said they attended the caucuses as "Democrats" to mess with the system, by supporting Obama, and put a hitch in Hillary's candidacy. If this is true, this win could be an illusion. If any of you know this to be true, please leave a comment, and let us know if this type of "politics" was being practiced yesterday.

New Hampshire was Bill Clinton's "Come Back Kid, Win", when he ran for the Presidency, and it could be asked if this will be Hillary's lot as well. She is a seasoned politician, and if she feels threatened, she will lash out and tear little Obama to shreds, "figuratively" of course, so if she does have "information" that can hurt him, we shall surely see an example of it coming out as the first primary arrives!!

As for Governor Huckabee winning the Republican caucus, it was surely a good win for him, but more importantly it was a stinging defeat for Mitt Romney, as he had spent alot of time and money here, to end up so poorly, and sadly it gives Manchurian McCain another shot at the candidacy, as he moves up in the polls in New Hampshire. A strong showing there will upset the Republican applecart, and the race will be open for anyone left standing by the February 5th, (Super Tuesday) caucuses and primaries. Scary times indeed!!

shake up

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMFG PLEASE tell me you're not still supporting that feminist psycho penis envying stain on the Democratic party!
