Friday, January 11, 2008

US Navy Fired On Iranians

As we learn more about the incident with the Iranian ships and their encounter with our warships the other day, we find that there are stories of more encounters, and at least one were shots were fired at or near their naval vessels. So the incident occurred nearly a month ago, and this is the first we have heard of it! What's wrong with this picture? The Navies actions are not too transparent are they?

The U.S. Navy said Friday that one of its ships fired warning shots at a small Iranian boat in the Strait of Hormuz in December during one of two serious encounters that month.

The USS Whidbey Island fired the warning shots on Dec. 19 in response to a small Iranian boat that was rapidly approaching it, said a U.S. Navy official.

Now that we know that there have been previously unreported shooting incidents, how long before the Iranians become "provocative enough" to warrant us damaging or sinking, and possibly killing some or all of their crew. It would seem that daily there are indications that something bad is going to occur in those narrow straights, and it will put in jeopardy our men, the oil from the gulf, and possibly the all out war with Iran that Bush and many of his advisors have been aching for these last several months!!

This is a situation to dangerous for us to ignore, and we need to be making sure our lawmakers know how we feel about "another" war, at a time when we can ill afford it! Please call or write your representatives and Senators immediately, and express your opinion about their lackluster peroformance, and their inablility to stop this slide toward another war! Thanks!


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