Thursday, March 31, 2005


This should be the last of Terri Schiavo until her husband is indicted for her injuries if the Medical Examiner is honest in his evaluation of Terri’s autopsy. We have been hearing for days that perhaps her condition was from being beaten and not from a heart attack as had been the original diagnosis of her condition.
Late news indicates that the Examiner may be going to hide the truth from people in order to alleviate liability for being those who were wrong all of these years, as he has said that he will not allow an independent investigator to watch the autopsy. If Jeb Bush or George W. want to get something right, they should immediately take the autopsy away from this Examiner and let the FBI examiner’s do the autopsy, so that we will get the truth. No one involved with Michael Schiavo in any way should be allowed to touch the body.
There has been an indication that some politicians have advocated violence against Michael Schiavo, but I think perhaps that is mere hype from both sides as they try and make political points from this tragedy.
It continues to amaze me how much air time and newsprint was occupied by this story. It is one of those human interest stories that everyone has an opinion about, mostly because we can see ourselves in the same condition and that frightens us. So we latch onto the story and try to make sure that our viewpoint wins the day, so if we are ever in the same situation we will have already made our views and wishes known to those around us and our will can be carried out.
This is why another very important story is coming back into the news as we see people on both sides of the Privatize or Fix Social Security issue and today there were demonstrations in many cities as Congress gets ready to come back to work and face this issue. We do not yet know how this will turn out, but I believe that personal accounts are a bad idea and will inevitably be approved. This will lead to a stock market boom for awhile and then when people begin to lose everything they have in the private accounts we will be further in debt due to the change over to private accounts and then we will be even further in debt as we try and shore up what is left of Social Security after they try and bring everyone back into the system after the private accounts fail.
Does the President and other backers of the private accounts plan believe that people are smart enough to do their own investing and get back anywhere close to the return that is hoped for to bolster their retirement funds.
This is America, where gambling is not merely a past time but a huge participatory lifestyle, and when we are able to gamble with some of our money we will take the highest risk possible to try and bring in big returns. I know that the politicians are trying to foresee a future where everyone invest their money and they all get good returns and thus Social Security is saved. I find that this kind of thinking is wishful at best and fantasy at worst. I also think that fantasy land is where we will end up and then Social Security will be in such a bad condition that it will no longer be the Social Security that we know, but a system which will be another form of welfare with all of the means testing and needing to meet certain criteria, just as welfare is today.
It will be interesting to see what develops, and it is important that this issue is being addressed by a President who does not have to worry about being re-elected, so he is free to come up with ideas which would not be available for someone who is trying to get re-elected. Maybe George W. can do something good with his second term as this opportunity to talk about and find a solution for Social Security may not come again until it is too late.
Everyone out there needs to think about this issue and when you have made a decision as to what you would like to see done with Social Security, you need to let your elected officials know, either by telephone, letter or e-mail. It is no longer just an issue that will go away, as time is of the essence no matter what is decided in this regard. It sounds like that time of Social Security going broke is a long time from now, but if you think about it the time frame they speak about is going to be here before you know it. Take a stand and let them know how you feel.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Monday, March 28, 2005


This has been another busy day in the world, from the earthquake in Indonesia, to the continuing Terri Schiavo story.
The earthquake hit on Sumatra and soon fears spread of a possible tsunami. Luckily there was not tsunami, but the quake did cause the death of at least 2,000 people. These people are in need of some calm as they must be
freaked out every time the earth shakes even a little and what with the news media and some bloggers spreading the panic through pronouncements of doom, they must be emotionally exhausted.
How many people out there are thinking that perhaps the globalists are perfecting their weather machine, I.e. causing earthquakes, tsunami’s, and other assorted calamities to thin down the human herd? My only thought on the conspiracy theorist’s claims is that if this is true wouldn’t the globalists hit faster and harder than they have done so as to kill more people in as little time as possible. Obviously, if the tsunami is caused by these globalists, would it not make sense to hit more populated areas, such as Japan, even California, where huge waves would cause significant death tolls. Oh, but I guess they would probably not attack more civilized nation’s until they had destroyed as many second class people as possible. Anyway, if it is true, I would very much like to hear who these people are by name, so that we could get them to comment on this type of activity.
On to other news. Terri Schiavo is still hanging on, but it sounds as if her death may be at hand and we can only hope that she is not feeling the pain normally associated with starvation and dehydration.
I will not go on anymore about this tragedy as we have spent a considerable amount of time on this tragic outcome already and I wish only that she dies soon so that her parents can get on with their lives and Michael can get on with his trek toward hell for what he did to his wife.
Third, there is a lot of news in the Michael Jackson case, where after his diatribe yesterday on the Jessie Jackson show, on which he accused people of a conspiracy against black luminaries, the judge in Michael’s case ruled that testimony could be heard from previous young boys that settled with Michael in the past. Now as for the nonsense of accusing people of conspiring against black luminaries. We all know that Michael Jackson is not black and has not been black for many years. It is well known that even people who may not like blacks, will elevate people once they have met a certain level of success, such as black athletes, who become celebrities and are not talked about in the same way that people talk about other blacks. O.J. Simpson benefited in two ways as he was a superstar so whites liked him and he used the blacks hate of a black man being with a blond, white woman, to let him get away with murder. Some of the jurors straight out said that, they, meaning white people were not going to get one more of their black boys, meaning O.J., because of the Rodney King verdict from a few years before and the subsequent riots. And if Michael was really trying to make a point he surely picked the wrong “holy” man to talk with, as Jessie Jackson is a bigot, a hypocrite, and on of the most irritating persons on the face of this planet. I know as a person who used to think that Jessie was a good thing for America, and I have since come to the conclusion that he is to black people, what David Duke was to white people, as aberration who should be dealt with through ignoring his nonsensical ramblings and just hoping that he goes away and letting him go to hell in privacy once he leaves this planet.
There is also a story coming out of Red Lake, Minnesota that has said that another young man has been arrested for conspiracy in the murders of the school children last week. Let us hope that someway can be found to convince young people that there is a better way to handle anger and frustration than killing your classmates and family members.
I have received letters from people who believe that this carnage and insanity is a sure sign of the literal “end times” written about in John’s Book of Revelation. Now I do not think that this is true, but I do think that because we can hear about something horrible happening around the world in minutes, that it makes the world seem that much more out of control than it did when news took a half a day or further back, when it took days, or even months for people to hear about terrible events around the world.
I would be interested to hear what other people who are news observer’s like me,and who must have some opinion about this world and the events that are occurring.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Sunday, March 27, 2005


On this weekend of Christ’s death and resurrection there has been much to show that the world is steadily heading for hell.
We had the horrible rape and murder of Jetseta Gage of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, who was abducted and killed by a known sex offender, one Roger Bently.
It would seem that he knew the family and when he decided to molest another child, he chose this young girl as his victim. It was written today that he will be arraigned on abduction and murder charges, but once again, the young victim is gone and the slimy killer is allowed all kinds of rights, because we do not want to violate his civil rights.
Anyone who has read anything that I have written will already know that this man being allowed to live and face a trial where he may get off through lawyer tricks should already be dead. He should have been given the same rights that you Jetseta had when he killed her, which is NONE! This man has already offended and was given the opportunity to do so again. When will the laws change so that these people will never get an opportunity to harm a child again.
At least in some states this type of abduction and killing would warrant the death penalty, but not in Iowa, for the best that can be hoped for is that he would get life in prison without possibility of parole, but surely this is too good for such a vile creature.
Please contact your representative and let them know that you want the law changed so that there are more severe sentences for a first time offender and that some type of mandatory supervision be a part of their being allowed to ever leave prison. There should also be more of a study into these people to find out what we need to do to stop this crime from occurring. There seems to be a whole group of people who will find excuses for their behavior; I.e. childhood abuse, blah, blah, blah. I really do not care what caused them to turn out this way, only that we find a way to identify them and stop them before they harm a child.
In the second amazing story from this weekend is the continuing saga of Terri Schiavo and her being put to death by her husband for having the gall to survive everything that she has been through for the last ten days. She hangs on still, though no one can survive forever without food or water. Ultimately she will die, but even though I believe that their should not be extraordinary means used to keep her alive, there really has not been any. She only needed a feeding tube to survive and her family offered to take care of her, so why does her “husband” Michael feel that she should have her life deprived of her now. Could it be as speculated upon that he has more to gain with her being dead, than he does by keeping her alive.
I find it extremely confusing that if you cared for someone that you loved and wanted to make sure that they did not just exist, that you would not do what many are asking, which is to do new tests and allow those doctors who feel that she can be helped by new techniques, the opportunity to do so. Everyone should take a very close look at this man and his motives. I did mention this in a previous writing and I think it is odd that there really has not been a deep investigation into why Terri first fell into this persistent vegetative state.
The followers of this young woman have gone to jail for her, threatened violence for her, and now most who are left are merely left to pray for her.
It would seem that many in Congress have taken a stand that they may now have to back up with the prospect that their constituents did not like the heavy handed approach that they used to try and exert the will of what they thought was siding with the right to life folks. Even here though many people feel that politicians overstepped their bounds and that these decisions are best made by the families involved in these heart wrenching life and death choices. By the time that you read this Terri Schiavo may be dead, but her struggle goes on daily around the country and until politicians do the right thing and allow families to assist family members with death, they will be faced with more cases where they treat an innocent person worse than a condemned killer. If anyone starved a death row inmate to death they would be attacked for violating their civil rights, but we are allowed to starve a person whose only crime is being a burden to her husband, emotionally and financially.
Terri enjoy your time in heaven and Michael, you better hope you did the right thing or you may never have that same opportunity.
Give your family members a hug, for this may be the last time that you will have to do so.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Thursday, March 24, 2005


We will write somewhat about Mr. David Irving this evening, because he is so pathetic it is barely worth the time to write about this ignorant bastard. This is a person who actually believes that he somehow does his right winf nazi cause good by trying to pretend history did not happen, it might be something to read about if it was not for that fact that this Irving thing really believes in the fairy tales that he writes about wherein there were no Nazi death camps, but merely labor camps where people might die due to the circumstances, but never by direct means.
What the hell is going on in a world where something as understood as the holocaust is written about in a light that it did not happen. I am confounded by this “retard” and the “retards” that follow him and not just follow him, but send him money for his cause. What a load of shit, can we just start bustin’ caps on the asses of these morons. I am so tired of preten Nazi’s coming forward and writing about something they obviously do not understand from the point of a true German.
I am of German heritage and I am very proud of it, even to the point that in the sixth grade I thought that Adolph Hitler was an amazing figure. He took a third rate nation to the third most powerful nation in the world in less than twice years. Unfortunately, he was a maniac, and not just a maniac, but an Austrian, who had something to prove to the people who picked on him throughout his life. He was not amazing, he was pure evil and he was in the right place at the right time to take over a nation and either directly or indirectly he caused the death of probably thirty million people and even more if you count the evil which he passed on to Stalin and the thirty million people that he killed. You know it is really difficult to think about all of these people if you do not first realize that this was done not in the name of Nationalism or any other time of ism, unless there is a word “crazyism”, which there is not, but should be.
Look around us in this country and understand the consequences of what one man can do if he is not only thought of as a politician, but as either a representative of god or prophet of said god. Now we know that this is pretty much not possible in this country, or is it. After all there are many in America that believe that Ronald Reagan could have been a dictator, do to the way people liked him and his ability to captivate people with his oratory, much as Hitler did. It is like mass hypnosis, but it has more long reaching effects as it does not just change the person, but can cause such powerful effects that they may kill for their leader. My god, Oliver North and those under Reagan were willing to do anything to make their vision of what America should be come true. This blind belief caused the lives of Americans around the world, but the good will that Reagan had from the Amercan people insulated him from any blame. This is similar to the way all dictators work, except that they lost wars or property and thus lost their careers and in some cases their lives.
This is not ment to be a whole psychology primer on modern political figures, thought that is something that we shall explore over time. This is merely to express my contempt for David Irving for pretending to understand and even worse for pretending to explain history to us. He is neither a student or teacher of history, but merely one more piece of shit with an agenda that he is trying to foist upon young people, who are too stupid to think for themselves. He picked a good country in England, for they are pretty pathetic in their thinking skills as they tire easily. That is unless they remember that fifty years ago they were fighting and dying on the beaches of France as they fought to destroy the nazi’s in Germany.
What the hell is wrong with our young people that they do not know how to think anymore and that they would even listen to a “retard” such as David Irving who is irresponsible and ignorant!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


There will be one more day before my article about David Irving as I am reading his books and materials and do not want to write about something that I do not know about. I do not just listen to what is being said about any subject by any type of media. I have to read about it and learn about it myself, and only after I do this can I write something that I not only know about, but believe what I say about a given subject.
There has been so much news lately that I am sure that many people have not really paid attention, due to all of the items hitting us square in the
Face with all of these subjects. There is tragedy after tragedy and we sometimes become immune to one more story.
This week we have had the Jessica Lunsford resolution, in that we have a creep who has been charged with the crime, and hopefully will be put to death, and the sooner the better.
We have had the shooting in Red Lake, Minnesota, as well as the continuing saga of Terri Schiavo, who is in my prayers as she is being put to death. Now anyone who reads me understands that she should be allowed to die, but she should not have to be starved to death to prove a point. For god’s sake, she should be allowed to be injected with an agent which would allow her to go to sleep and wake up in god’s arms.
My god, criminals who are on death row are given a more humane way to die than Terri Schiano is experiencing right now. Why is our country so messed up that this young lady cannot be allowed to die without torture chamber privileges. They say she cannot feel pain! After all these are the same doctors that think that she is never coming back, even though she is not on a respirator or any other form of artificial living, except for the being fed with a tube. We probably have friends who are less cognizant of the world that Terri is. This sounds like a total reversal of what I wrote a few days ago, but in reality there is nothing close at all.
I believe that she should have been allowed to die a long time ago. She should have been given an injection to allow her to die without pain. I also believe that her husband did something to cause this to happen to her. I know that reality is that we shall probably never learn anything more than we know now. It is sad that the whole country is paying attention to a young lady who while being a cause celebre’, is not really even a part of wha happening to her, because of her “situation”. May god have mercy on her and allow her to die soon, because I for one do not believe that she does not feel pain. I have been in a coma and I am pretty sure that I remember things that I have been told I should not remember due to the state I was in!
Allow Terri to be killed in a more humane way and the perhaps this country can have a real dialogue about life and death in these United States.
We have let the Europeans ahead of us again, in that most of their countries allow assisted suicide. Etc, while we in America are still unable to bring ourselves to realize that humans, which is what we are, have lives that come to an end. I know I can say for real that I am one of those unbelievers, as I believe that we only die when we are ready anyway. Perhaps that fact that I have survived many near deaths has allowed me to be so callous. I really do not mean to be flip about death, but over the years I feel that I have come to understand his purpose and why I have survived. Now to be truthful this insight did not come to me, because I am too esoteric in my thinking, but it did come to my girlfriend. She is a Christian, but not an overly aggressive Christian who tries to shove things down your throat. She is wonderful as she allows everyone to believe what they want and hopes that what we believe is the same as what god believe’s which would be good, just in case we are somehow offending the almighty.
Anyway, I do tend to prattle on. Please everyone Christian or not. Take a moment to think about Terri Schiavo and anyone who you may know who is in a similar circumstance. Please let her sleep forever in peace.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Monday, March 21, 2005


It is another day and Terri Schiavo is still alive. Now I know that I am against the nonsense that has gone on in Washington over this issue and yet there is till no decision. This is an offense to everyone involved and we can only hope that God will intervene and allow her to go home. I think that if there is anything that would assist them, such as an autopsy, in finding out if the husband did anything to her to cause the injuries that lead to this they should do so.
This case is going to create some talk that will hopefully get most people on the right page. The right page is that sometimes we cannot do anymore and we have to let these people return home. I believe that they should assist in her death instead of playing Nazi games by starving her, but she should be assisted in dying as peacefully as possible.
On to another crazy story today and that is of the young man in Red Lake, Minnesota, who killed his grandparents and then killed eight more people at his school. He was later found among the dead as he had killed himself. Well at least he got part of it right, but if these young men really feel the need to end their own lives then more power to them, but do everyone a favor and kill yourself first.
There has been a charge in the John Couey case in Florida, where he raped and killed Jessica Lunsford, the young girl who lived nearby this sicko bastard. Please someone do us all a favor and let some good prisoner get close enough to this bastard to snap his neck and end this for the family and for all of us who are offended that he is allowed to continue breathing for the sake of his right to a trial. This is the mantra of the mental midgets who defend these kind of people. Where was Jessica Lunsford trial to be raped and killed or does she not have any rights because she had the audacity to go to bed in her room in her grandparents home. She did not go wandering anywhere, she did not even talk to this man, she merely went to bed and he came into her room and took her out to hurt and kill her.
We will see how this trial goes if by that time he has not been sent to hell by another inmate. I know that there are those in prison that love children, and not in a sick and demented way, and they may do to him what he did to her. Anyway, all we can do is put the theoretical situations out there and hope that they germinate.
I have just heard a story about someone named David Irving who is trying to convince the world that there was no Holocaust in World War II by the Nazi’s. Now as I write this I do not have all of the information, but my general understanding is that he has tried to say that no Jews, or anyone else ever died at the hands of the SS in any kind of organized way and that in fact people who were butchered were Germans who lived in Dresden and were deliberately killed by the allies. Well this man is not some young person, so we can definitely rule out stupidity as an excuse as we could for anyone who may be up to and a little above college age, because they can be made to believe pretty much anything at that time of their lives. However, this man looks to be in his sixties or someone around there, so if he does not believe this is strictly through his own choice to be ignorant to history. It is sad that so many people can be so oblivious of the facts of history and it scares me that our schools do such a lousy job of teaching what has occurred in the past. It is always the same way. We allow everyone to have their own version of history to the point that there is no true history anymore that is known except for a few professional historians and a few history lover’s and everyone else is wandering through life like a deer in the headlights of history, waiting to be run over by it.
Anyway, I shall study more about this Nazi lover and report what I find out and perhaps we can end this little rewriting of history before it infects to many gullible young people.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Sunday, March 20, 2005


I briefly made a comment in the last bit of writing that I did about the plight of Terri Schiavo, who is a young woman in a vegetative state in a hospital in Florida. The leaders of this country are trying to make a law to allow her feeding tube to be reinserted before she starves to death. After years of legal challenges, her feeding tube was removed and she will die if she does not have the tube put back in within the next few days. I have been intrigued by the emotions that have been generated by this young woman, and while I feel bad for her and her family I cannot see what all of the time and money that is being expended is going to accomplish.
There are a few basic facts not in question. One she is not going to get better, two, her family wants her to live, three, her husband wants her dead. Now I think that he had something to do with what has happened to his wife, but if they cannot prove he harmed her than that is our law, but she is not more important than the children I wrote about the Jessica Lunsford, rape and killing at the hands of a convicted and released pedophile, so why will they expend the same type of time and energy to save children like her. This is also a country where you can kill an unborn child easier than you can get a special order hamburger at a drive thru restaurant. So if life is so precious that Congress is in special session and the President is waiting to sign that legislation, why can we not get them to spend a little of that political capitol on child protection legislation.
From what we have seen this case is being used by the supporters of right to die as a cause celebre’ as well as the right to live supporter’s who want to keep her alive, because of the sanctity of life. Now I wish that things could turn out well for this poor young lady, but we need to be practical as well. She is not going to get better no matter what they do to her and she is using resources that someone else might need, but cannot afford because of all that we spend on critical long term care patients.
Does anyone have any question as to why we cannot keep up with health care costs in this country. We daily spend millions and millions of dollars on people who are not going to get better and would probably prefer not to be kept in this type of situation if they had made the decision before they ended up as mere things in a long term coma or vegetative state. They remind us all the time to make living wills, but the truth is that a lot of people do not take care of this and are then caught in the type of dilemma that Terri and her family are now in and where the legal system is not really helping out much.
This weekend will see the spending of all of this time and money for Terri Schiavo and the best outcome that can happen is that she will have a feeding tube reinserted and live out more of her life “staring” at the ceiling, not getting better, not communicating with anyone, merely existing. Is that really a life or is that a hellish prison?
I know this on a personal level as my wonderful Father was in a coma after suffering a stroke which caused bleeding into the brain on a scale to cause irrepairable damage and the choices are given to you not in a calm, thinking way, but in a hurried, frantic way. I knew that my Father had always been a man who lived life everyday, no matter how bad he hurt, or how sick he was, he got up, went to work and took care of his family. Even in his disability retirement, he would force himself to get out and take care of the lawn or work in his garden, because life is about doing, not being. I convinced my Mother to have the life support turned off because I loved my Father and knew this is what he would have wanted. There were people who got to see, from the organ donations of the organs that were able to be used, as well as a few others who used his parts to extend and make their lives better. I hurt, but I knew that as our family held each other we did the right thing and he would be at home in Heaven with his God had intended.
Please think about what you would want your family to do if this ever happened to you or them and then make sure that this is known in a legal document for a later time.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Well it seems that little Jessica Lunsford has been able to return home. Unfortunately, she is dead after being molested and killed by one John Couey, a no good piece of shit pedophile, who by way of the crack legal system was allowed to spend very little time in prison and get out.
Now by law he was supposed to register in the community that he resided in, but did not. How would they know where he is, if he does not register and no one knows that he is there? This is a condition of his parole, but if he is going to break the law is he going to care about not registering. No something else needs to be done.
I believe that I am not the only one out here who wants something done and something done now. I am tired of watching one heartbreaking story after another about a missing child who ends up dead or never found, and all at the hands of these pedophiles who have been released after doing less time than you can get for killing a cat or dog.
Right now our nation’s leaders are spending their weekend creating legislation to save a young woman in Florida, who is in a vegetative state and will remain that way for the rest of her life. Now people are spending millions of dollars on the time and energy to get this done, to protect this one young woman. If they can do this to protect this one woman who may or may not want to die, then why can they not spend the same amount of energy to create legislation to protect our children. These pedophiles are committing acts of terror against children on a daily basis and yet we do not treat it in a serious way by any stretch of the imagination. It is only when there is a big news story and a tragic ending that anyone pays attention to this issue for a brief period of time and then it is back to normal, until the next child ends of raped and killed, in a never ending cycle of terror, recriminations, promises, and then back to normal.
Not this time! This time we are going to stick with story until George W. on done our leaders do something. It should be mandatory death for a first time sex offense against a child, but that is not going to happen, because the assholes in the ACLU would have fits. Well fine, then when these people are released after their first offense and are getting ready for their next offense, they should be required to stay with ACLU members. This would give these fine folks an opportunity to have these wonderfully sick individuals stay with them and if any child is molested and killed, it would be one of their children. After all the rights of the sex offender is much more important than the life of any child. You think the ACLU might then realize who the bad people really are or would they give a politically correct answer?
People get out and this time let everyone know that we want the laws made more strict no matter who it might hurt. These pedophiles should be given every opportunity to get assistance if they choose to have help. This offer would apply up until they actually commit an act against a child, after that they would give up all rights and if by some chance they did not spend the rest of their life in prison, we would implant a GPS device behind their hearts, which would kill them if it was ever removed. This would eliminate the actual manpower needed to track these people down when they take off without registering, as we would know where they are 24/7. This is the only way that I would be in favor of anything other than immediate death for these bastards.
I am going to do whatever I can to make sure that our leaders do something about this and I hope that with the help of the news media and everyone else who cares about children and not about the pedophile rapists-killers, that we can something done before one more child is hurt or killed.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Is It wrong to expect some secrecy from one of the most secret administrations in history. Did they really have to leak the scenarios that are being studied by the administration in regard to ways that terrorists may attack this country. Obviously, it does not matter to the terrorists, because they already know what they have planned in this regard, but it does matter in regard to the other enemy of this country, namely the news media. These people will spread this information far and wide, thus allowing the terrorists to know what is being studied and which ways to avoid, so as to not be detected.
We know these days that if the news media gets anything of interest they usually tell everyone. This was not always the case, as there was a time when the news media was on our side. Now, I do not write this way in regard to all of the media, for there are many now who have chosen our side once more. By and large they are from Fox News, and they represent the will of their owner, who is conservative. They should stop saying they are fair and balanced, because it is not true, and besides it is not always necessary.
If Adolph Hitler was rampaging across Europe we know that many of our media would report on his actions in a non-involved way, what with their moral relativistic attitudes. However, common sense would allow most thinking individuals would understand that Hitler is evil and would not have to try and be fair in their assessment. This is what separates regular people from the news media, the simple attribute of being able to see right from wrong and good and evil.
The administration should find out who leaked this information to the news media. They should be fired and then prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, as they are giving comfort to the enemy. This should be written about , talked about, whatever it takes for everyone to know who they are so that their family can be harassed, and to let all future leakers understand that we will no longer allow people to go along unknown and unhurt after they do such a damaging thing to this country. These are the same kind of stupid people who would have not only allowed the terrorists in the door of a secure building, but would hold the door for them.
While the Congress is looking over ways to make the laws involved in home security more strict and enforceable, this should be one of many areas in which they should shine their light, so that they can see just how bad the laws are working. Whether it is the news media or regular citizens there should be a review of how the laws affect us all and what can be done to assist law enforcement to find the terrorists and end their careers before they get started. This may infringe on us all a little more than they already do, but truthfully, will it require another 9/11 or more than another 9/11 before we understand that even though it has been a few years, they still want to kill us and for whatever reason we have been lucky so far in not having another attack on our soil. We should not be relying on luck to keep us safe indefinitely and I hope that we will all support whatever actions are deemed necessary to continue to be attack free. My fear is that with civil liberties being infringed upon in some cases we will once again end up in a situation where we will be unable to see the danger coming and it will hit us right between the eyes, just as it did in 2001 with 9/11.
Please look to your children and see that what we do not will affect them as well and perhaps will be the difference between them living or dying in the event of another attack. This does sound like a rant perhaps, but I see it as more of a warning that needs to be repeated often so that we can keep it uppermost in our minds, so that we will not slip and let an attack happen again.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


China must have decided that this is the time for them to move against the Taiwanese either because they believe that they are that strong or that the West is too weak to stop them.
This is going to be a very dangerous situation if we cannot get the Chinese to understand right away that we will not allow them to go in and take over Taiwan by force. We need to get our friends in Europe to also let the Chinese know that they will stand with Taiwan if push comes to shove. I fear that this will not be the case and we will with probably Great Britain, Australia, and Japan, be the only ones who will stand against China in this upcoming showdown.
The Chinese have flexed their muscles with the law they passed the other day authorizing force to maintain their control over Taiwan, even as the Taiwanese fight for their freedom from Chinese control.
To make sure that the Chinese get this message we should immediately dispatch top officials to talk to their leaders. We should also send at least one and probably two battle groups to the area near Taiwan. We should assist them in upgrading their defense forces with the inclusion of at least some tactical nuclear weapons, This would definitely let the Chinese know that we are tired of their long range plan to control the world and if we need to go to war with them it is better to do so now, rather than later. Even with their large size they would quickly fall to our superior weaponry if we need to go high tech and nuclear.
I am sure that even as I write this many in the news media and the left wing of our country are trying to find someway to allow China to take over Taiwan by whatever means needed and to make it look as if that is a good thing for the Taiwanese. Anyone with a brain will know that this is nonsense, but daily we are reminded that there are a lot of people in this country that do not have a brain or a clue as to how the world works.
The days are growing short for Taiwan and I hope that you will pick up a telephone, write a letter or e-mail and let our servants in Washington know that we will not allow Taiwan to be sacrificed for business interests or expedience, no matter the reason.
I do not want to go to war while we are still busy in other areas of the world and we cannot let a bully of a country like China do what they want just because it may make it more difficult for us to overcome this dangerous situation.
Now I am waiting to hear from George W. as to what he is going to do, but I believe that he shall move more in the line of what I am laying out here this evening. Perhaps he will not use nuclear weapons against China or weapons of any kind, but I hope that he will at least give this situation the attention that it requires. His father was an ambassador to China and I believe that he likes the Chinese, but he needs to hold faith with our obligation to Taiwan as we have since the end of World War II, when we said that we would defend this island against Chinese encroachment of any kind. Realpolitik concerns have at times made this commitment seem fleeting at best, but each time we have come down on the right side and stood with our friends in Taiwan.
I know that it seems that everyday that we face an even more uncertain world than we did in the old Cold War days and it is true that we do, but it also means that are more opportunities to make the world a better, more free place as well. My hopes are on the side of the Taiwanese and their desire to stay as free as is possible.
Keep alert for there are vipers among us and China is one of the biggest vipers posing a threat to us at the current time. Watch and worry until they are handled and subdued.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Monday, March 14, 2005


This has been a disappointing day, with the surrender of Brian Nichols in Atlanta over the weekend and the refusal to shoot him dead upon his surrender. In the best of all worlds he would have been shot dead and perhaps a few stray bullets would have taken out journalists as well. I know I should not hope that journalists would die, but the truth is that they make it possible for creeps like Nichols to get away. They do this through their blind faith in the first amendment and their ability to make police kowtow to them and criminals every time they arrest someone.
The ACLU is just as guilty as the journalists, because they are so determined to make sure that criminals not appear to be criminals that they cannot be shackled or in any other way be made to look like the criminals that they are. This is also a dark day for political correctness, which claimed the lives of four more people, because a big man was being guarded by a little woman. What in the hell is going when a known danger to the court can be allowed to be guarded by a small woman, or for that matter a small man. This was a job for multiple officers in an offensive stance, so that nothing else can go wrong.
This creature not only deserves the death penalty, but if he does not get the death penalty there is no way that anyone could qualify for the death penalty again. The fact is that if anyone defends this creature they should also go with to the death chamber. Everyone knows what happened and there is no reason or excuse for what he did. Simple, he is guilty, he should die, and not fifteen years from now, but next week at the latest. He does not deserve the protection of the constitution as he gave up that right when he attacked those law enforcement people.
We should begin using journalists for what they are good for, which would be as homicide bombers. We should enlist them in this great fight, either voluntarily or not and use them to attack terrorists. This could be by means other than bombs when necessary. One way would be to have some of them be injected with Ebola and allowed to go and interview terrorists which would then infect them and anyone of their cohorts, thus cutting them down by somewhat peaceful means. Perhaps they would be so kind as to die quietly through sickness and then they may be too sick to attack anyone while they are dying in their hideouts.
The above plan is just one of many that I would institute if given the job of protecting this country. So, if anyone is out there that really is interested in winning this war against terrorists, please contact me and I shall make sure that we win. This war requires people like myself who can think in ways more deadly than any terrorist. I believe this is a gift in a way for it allows me to think as they do and to see how many places could they hit us if they chose to do so. I would not want to write them here for fear that they might take one of these ideas and run with it, but there should be someone thinking about what he or she would do if they were terrorists and where they would strike to cause the most terror. It is not even necessary to kill that many people, for the whole goal of terrorists is to make citizens fear to do things that would normally be part of their lives. This is where I fear terrorists will concentrate, because if they can make us fearful every time that we leave our homes, then they have done what they want to do. Changing how we live our lives is the worst that can happen to us.
When we sit down at night we should all think about what needs to be done to stop terrorists. The airwaves should be set up to inform our nation of what we need to do to stop terrorists, from what to look for to how to turn people in when they suspect someone, a friend or family member who may be terrorists or who may be in collusion with terrorists. We must get the safety of the last few years out of our thoughts and get back to fearing what may happen. This is not to make us afraid, but to make us diligent like we were right after 9/11 happened. I think that we have gotten used to alerts and we no longer see the world in the dangerous way that we did just a few years ago. We have got to remember the old adage that “if we do not remember the past, we shall be doomed to repeat it”, wake up my fellow citizens, we must be on our guard each and every day!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Saturday, March 12, 2005


Brian Nichols is on the loose in Georgia after killing a judge, clerk, and a deputy and shooting others who are in serious condition. This is a creature who was on his way to prison for brutally raping a former girlfriend. On the plus side he is probably not going to get another chance to hurt anyone if the police catch up with him.
It would be appropriate justice for him to make an attempt to stand up to police who can gun him down in “self-defense”, because he has used up his chances on this earth and needs to be sent on his way to hell and the sooner the better.
This is just the type of criminal that society needs to rid itself of, because it is on thing to kill others in the heat of anger or some other situation where it may just happen, but to deliberately kill law enforcement and legal authorities shows that this man will kill anyone to get what he wants. Right now that means staying free and getting away. The public should assist in anyway possible and kill him if they can and to allow the law enforcement people to do so without any reprisals by civil rights assholes, who would have us catch and cuddle this slimy son-of-a-bitch.
Awhile ago I wrote about how criminals should be treated and then this comes along and illustrates my points perfectly. This piece of garbage should already be burning in hell instead of having been allowed to escape and kill other good people. From the information that is given by authorities, he held his ex-girlfriend hostage for three days. He had her bound in between raping and beating her, and had brought a cooler with refreshments and an automatic weapon so he obviously had planned on prolonged raping and violence if needed. It did not work out for him and he was arrested. The facts alone should have led the arresting officers to have a shoot out with a vicious rapist, but because most law enforcement personnel respect the law, they merely arrested him.
He then was allowed to dress in civilian clothes for his trial so that when he did get away he could blend in somewhat, though they did say at one point this evening that he is shirtless. However, as violent as he has been I am sure that by now he is hiding out with “friends” who will assist him in staying free and getting away from the area. While I do not know this to be a fact, I do believe that if anyone is helping him stay free so that he can do more harm,, they should be arrested, with them attempting to shoot it out and receiving the ultimate penalty along with their friend, Brian.
It seems tragically that judges are now being attacked in more numbers than should be allowed. It should be stopped immediately with whatever means is required, whether shackling prisoners to the floor of the courtroom, to not allowing exposed guns of any kind and perhaps even a second level with a sharpshooter placed for a kill shot if needed. This probably will not happen as I am sure that if you did all of that in a court room, civil rights assholes might believe that you are making the criminal look guilty before he has a full trial. Oh well, perhaps so, but maybe we should learn that protecting those who do their civic duty and those who are our public servants are more important than how it might look to others. After a while people would get used to the security measures and may save lives in the long run.
Saving lives should be the first priority and infringement of rights secondary in this and others situations. We do much more in the way of security measures at airports, etc., because we know that there are bad people who would use this means to kill others if they got the opportunity. We now know that people are willing to kill judges and others in law enforcement, so we should take every precaution possible and not give anyone else the chance to do this to others.
Anyway as we finish this piece this evening the killer is still loose. Hopefully a bullet will find him during the night and he can be in hell by morning. Happy dreams!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Friday, March 11, 2005


This has been a strange week from Michael Jackson to the killings in Atlanta this morning.
Yesterday, Michael Jackson had his “back” pain and nearly got himself thrown in jail and his bail revoked. It would seem that Michael is having a melt down of titanic proportions and may not make it through the trial.
Now I realize that most people already have found him guilty before the trial has had a chance to finish and this is the way of our country. Mostly he is being judged because he is weird and anyone this weird is doing something wrong. Is that not of way that most of us think. Of course it is, but perhaps Michael is not guilty of anything more than being the weirdest celebrity currently on trial. This is for certain, the news and entertainment media is having a wonderful time with this ratings getting story and they will milk it for whatever they can.
I watched an interview with Michael Jackson which was done by Geraldo Rivera nearly two weeks ago and Geraldo came away with a “maybe he is innocent” comment after reviewing everything in this case. I believe that from what he learned, Geraldo sees this as a shakedown of huge consequences. I like Geraldo and respect his investigative skills so I listened a little more than I normally would to a reporter. It does seem rather odd that before these people contacted law enforcement authorities, they had contacted two civil attorney’s and a psychologist.
Now if you or I had a child that had been molested by someone I am pretty sure that either that person would be beaten to a pulp or that police would immediately be called upon learning of the situation. This is why it seems a little too contrived for it to be simply parents concerned for their son.
In addition, if these people knew about all of this and continued to let their sons stay with Michael, then they should face legal consequences as well, either neglect or more severely for prostituting these young boys for the money and glamour that Jackson foisted upon them. No amount of money or glitz is worth the soul of a child and that is what they did if Jackson is guilty.
I also believe that their has been something wrong emotionally with Michael Jackson for his entire life. Mostly through the abuse of his father, but also by those around him who did not get him help when he obviously needed it, so they could be within his financial presence and share in his lifestyle. Perhaps an intervention and psychological help in 1993, could have gotten him on a different path and allowed him to live a fairly normal life, but no one cared enough for his well-being to do this for him.
Michael Jackson is probably one of the most talented people in the 20th century, but as talented as he is, is in proportion to how emotionally frail he seems to be. The best that could come out of this is if he is convicted that instead of a normal prison where he would not make it, he would be sent to a mental facility where he could be treated for the numerous problems that plague his mind, so that he could at least understand why he cannot be allowed to walk free again. Also why he should never be allowed to stay anywhere alone with children if he is ever released. Whatever finally happens I hope that sends a message to celebrities or anyone with money that you cannot commit crimes and get away with it anymore. The O.J. Simpson injustice should never be repeated again, no matter who they are. We all know that O.J. butchered his ex-wife and after the slow speed chase he should have been blown away by officers instead of being given a chance to give up and get off. Everyone of his scumbag attorneys will burn in hell for their part in the travesty of justice which occurred when he was found not guilty by that pathetic excuse for a jury which will burden legal history for quite a long time. I do not mean to let off the prosecutors or the judge for they as much as released him with their incompetence and for that they can live with the fact that they allowed a killer to walk free.
We need to find a better system of justice because this one is fatally flawed.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


A quick note in the King Tut murder mystery. It seems that after extensive testing King Tut was not murdered, but did have a broken leg, which probably led to blood poisoning or infection which led to his death. I am sure this will relieve many people around the world to know that his killer is not running free.
Now on to more serious matters. It seems that North Korea feels that they are in a superior position as they have agreed to six nation talks once again. They have supposedly agreed to these talks without pre-conditions. You might recall that for a time they were refusing to talk to anyone unless it was one on one talks with the United States. This was rejected for the nonsense that it was and perhaps now they can be encouraged to forgo the nuclear weapons nonsense that they are embarked upon. They should realize that at some point they must eliminate these weapons or our wild ass Texan might decide that they are no better than crazies, such as Koresh and his bunch in Waco, Texas, and we might just light them up with a different type of fire, the kind that keeps burning and burning for a long time.
We should note that for all of Iran’s pronouncements that it shall not relinquish its search for nuclear weapons they are not quite so strident as to directly challenge our little gunslinger in the White House. They must have someone in their leadership that understands that our agreeing to go along with the European Union in their dealings with the Iranians on this issue of nuclear proliferation is merely because our true friend Tony Blair asked us too. He is a good and gracious ally and we have the time to give the Europeans their time to try and talk to the Iranians in a civilized manner, because the bottom line is that they are not civilized and at some point, hopefully before they gain nuclear weapons the Europeans will see the error of their negotiation attempt and will join us in stopping their insanity.
I am sure that no matter what happens the prospect of someone lighting up the skylight with nuclear weapons is much closer than it was in the bad, old Cold War days, when only the U.S. and U.S.S.R. where standing toe to toe in the nuclear game. Everyone knew that if the nukes were lit off there would be no world left. Unfortunately, in this day and age of relative safety there is the likelihood that a few nukes might go off, because it would not create an end of the world scenario and thus might be acceptable in some cases for terrorists or terrorist nations to go for it.
As the only nation to actually use weapons for the purposes of killing people and ending a war we should be the first to try and stop there use by terrorists. In this case I believe that we should give the North Koreans and the Iranians the proper warnings, and then we should as we did with Japan use those weapons to end their challenge to the world. We have every right to stop these crazies before they do a 9/11 style attack on the world. I know everyone will think that this is insane, but the truth is that if these evil people get the weapons they shall destroy us and we do not wait until the bombs are going off to protect ourselves as well as the rest of the world. Maybe this will not come to pass, but I fear that caution will be the undoing of the world. When good men sit by and let evil happen they are complicit in their own demise. We cannot sit by and let this happen and I for one wish that we would act sooner rather then later as more and more of these evil men strive to gain the nuclear weapons that would insure their regimes and give them the impetus try and expand their evil into other countries.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Monday, March 07, 2005


The Syrian’s are going to pull their troops back to the eastern Bekaa Valley by March 31st, with a complete pullout to be negotiated. Could this be the end of another evil regime or is Damascus just playing for time. You can be sure that if the Syrians do leave Lebanon, there shall be hell to pay in Syria and may lead to even more change, perhaps even democracy in that country as well as Lebanon.
George W. has got to be giddy as hell as the democracy train pulls into station after station in the Middle East and begins to take hold. We have the somewhat representative elections in Saudi Arabia, and the soon to be held elections in Egypt as well as what is already happening in the other countries, as well as the Palestinians taking control of their futures. Amazing is a word that should be reserved for very extraordinary times and it would seem that these might be those times. There are of course bumps in this long road, as we see in Iraq even today as more than thirty more Iraqi’s were killed by the terrorist/insurgent bastards.
In terror attacks closer to home, we have the murders of the Chicago Judges’, mother and husband, by what probably will be found to be members of Mark Hales’, white “supremacy” group, dating back to the threat he made against Judge Lefkow, and the reason why he was in jail awaiting sentencing when this occurred. While these idiots may not be very organized they are definitely very dangerous as many people who stood against them have found out and they use the internet to spread their message of hatred and revenge. We should therefore view them for the danger that they pose to all of us in America, who do not believe that they represent our views and are merely one more group of crazed terrorists who would have us dead.
We need to change the law so that we can use our military on our own soil for the protection of this country. I have already written on this before and I shall do so again, until we wake up and see that we do not have to fear the military taking over this country as the law that stopped them from being used here was passed to prevent. We do have to worry about the terrorist “armies”, many of which are already in this country and are just waiting for their time to strike. The “White Supremacy” movement is just this type of sleeper terrorist cell of which I write, and we need to protect ourselves before they decide to become more animated in their attacks upon all who oppose them, such as the Judge, and others who have been targeted by them. The posse comitatus law should be changed to allow our military to hunt down the opponents of America and destroy them before they strike a blow against us and not later after it is too late and many Americans are dead.
It would be funny to think that we do not allow our government any more power because we are afraid that they will misuse or abuse it, when we are the government and the only ones we have to fear are the lunatics who use the first amendment to scare us and the second amendment to have the weapons to attack us. This is spite of the fact that bearing arms is not a right for the regular american. We know from history that this was meant for a well regulated militia, not just anyone. I fear that because we have let those inside this country have weapons that we really do need to have weapons to protect ourselves from these “real” Americans. These “real” Americans are afraid of the blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, and hell, we can say pretty much anyone who does not believe what they do and who is doing better than they are, because “obviously” everyone is conspiring against these white men, who must be in complete control of their women and children. Isn’t it sad that just because they cannot join us in the 21st century, they feel the need to attack and destroy those who are doing nothing more than our forefathers wanted, which was to do better for themselves and their families. We should not be angry at these immigrants, but proud that they still see America in such a favorable light that we are the first choice for them to come too. They come here because opportunity to better oneself still exists, which is not true everywhere in the world. Thank God for America! We need to let the military hunt down and destroy these vermin who would infest and attack us; the mother that has birthed these bastards of uncreation and irreality, and need to do so now before it is too late!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Sunday, March 06, 2005


The world has changed much in the last fifty years and one of the biggest changes has been due to the onslaught of feminism. I know that from this beginning many of you may get the idea that feminism is a bad thing. On the contrary I think that for the most part it has been a boon to men and women everywhere.
I have a friend you believes that feminism is the worst thing that could have happened to this world and while he is extremely liberal in most areas in this one area he is like another Rush Limbaugh, who we all know is very anti-feminist in his vocalizations and thinking. Anyway my friend has an old testament approach to all things feminine and he thinks that women should look and act feminine as well. This is a quaint approach to our modern world, but it is alright that there are still some people who choose to live a more simple and perhaps antiquated life. It seems to work nicely for the Amish and a few other Luddite groups who do not see the modern world as a benefit, but probably more rightfully thought of as a “curse”.
One of the greatest areas of contention that I have found is in the fact that these people do not believe that a woman could or should be President of this nation, and yet history has shown that women have been ruling nations almost since the beginning of recorded history and probably long before that.
So really isn’t a bit silly to think that a woman who is every bit as intelligent as a man and perhaps more so could not run this country at least as good as and perhaps better than the men that we have chosen to lead our nation. I for one find it entirely appropriate and quite exciting to contemplate this nation run by a woman, who may not irrationally go to war to prove something and who may more of a humanistic agenda than men have had before.
Women burned their bras back in the seventies to prove they were more than what that bra represented and yet after all is said and done a lot of women have decided that a more traditional role is perfectly acceptable to them. There are women who go to work and even a career and in some households they may even be the primary bread winner. On the other hand there are those women who stay home and take care of the house and the children. They may even relish their roles as the domestic goddess. This is what has come of the rights that women fought for all those years ago. The right to be whatever they want to be and not to be forced to work if they choose to stay, but giving them that right to choose and no one else.
In fact, there are women who work and take care of the home and this reality is facing more and more people just for the simple facts of mathematics and men and women being unable to carry the load by themselves, whether it be financially, emotional, etc.,. This is the simple fact of living in the twenty-first century and having bills to pay which cannot be paid by one person in many instances. Men and women challenging the future together, side by side. This is a future we should all find to be more comforting than either the luddite philosophy or the feminist manifesto philosophy.
Women are the best thing that could happen to any man and we should relish and appreciate them for all that they are and all that they shall become.
Thank the next woman that you meet for all that she is to this world, for they shall rule this nation one day and they will again rule the planet in the future. After all earth is ruled by Mother Nature, Gaeia, whatever you want to call her she is the mother and mistress of all humans. Feminism was not the be all and end all, but it did give them much of what women desired and deserved, now it is up to them to fill in the blanks for how they wish to be treated and accepted. Women are great and good. God should be thanked daily for their presence and truthfully do we really think that Eve took a bite of the apple or was that written because the writer’s of the Bible were men?!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Saturday, March 05, 2005


It has been a busy day for criminals as we see the newest big time criminal, Martha Stewart, returning to one of her homes to complete the rest of her time in a home arrest situation. She will have many restrictions, but all in all a pretty cushy way to spend her “time”.
I did not really like Martha Stewart before all of this, nor can I say that I really do now, but we can at least say that she is good enough to actually do some time, even if it was a special prison and not the hardcore ones that most folks would go to.
write this because it seems that the white men who are involved in offenses such as the accounting fraud at Enron and WorldCom are punks who do not take any responsibility for what they have done and are even now lying under oath as they sit through their trials. We should not go light with any of these bastards who ruined the lives of employees and investors throughout the country and the world. They should be sent to real prisons for they are not only responsible for theft from people, but also for the deaths of those who may have died from heart attacks, suicides, etc., because of the loss of their entire retirement funds because of these CEO thieves. All of their assets should be seized , and I do mean everything, homes, any accounts that may have been transferred to children or wives or any other relatives in the time before they were charged and sentenced for their crimes. For good measure a few of them should receive life sentences so as to give pause to those who come after them and may be tempted to commit the same type of crimes. After all one of the purposes of punishment is to try and focus others on the reality that they will face if they are caught committing a crime.
I focus on the harsher punishment in the face of studies which show that a majority of the fines and restitution that has been levied on these white collar criminals has not been paid and that there seems to be little incentive for the Justice Department to try and collect the money. A GAO (Government Accounting Office) study showed that some $6 billion were uncollected in 1996 and this had increased to $25 billion were uncollected by September 2002, so you can imagine what that number has increased to by now. This is unacceptable and if these white collar criminals can get away without paying what they owe this should be reflected in whether or not they serve even more time in an actual prison, just like any punk criminal would face if they chose to ignore the fines and restitution in the small crimes that the rest of us might commit.
So Martha has taken her small experience and turned it into a plus which with the increase in her stock has made her a billionaire once again will put her in a better light for most people. She may have even learned something about the plight of those who are in prison and perhaps she will turn some of her attentions toward making the prison system a system of change instead of one of merely punishment.
I hope that the system will also get tougher on those people such as the CEO’s who cheat not just their investors, but all of us, for they affect all of us in a way that a small time thief who steals a $100’s does not, for they steal billions and that does have a huge ripple effect throughout the economy. Put them in the worst prisons we have and let them be seen on television in these horrific places to perhaps dissuade other future white collar crooks!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Americans need to look into its’ past to know where it is going in its’ future. We are a country that has had a great deal of bloodshed occur to get us to this point in history. I think this is why we must pay for our sins. I believe that the things that we have done to the Indians or should I be politically correct and say Native Americans.
Anyway the point of this article today is that the people who were here to greet our forefathers have been nearly decimated throughout the centuries since white men first set foot upon these shores.
There are some areas of our history which should shame all of us, and the treatment of the Indians would be one of those areas. Let’s see, the first people here were assisted by the natives, so that they could survive and even with their help the first colony could not survive. Ever since those early days we have repaid the Indigenous people by killing the men, women, children, and animals, as well as stealing whatever land that we did not destroy in some fashion.
It has been a long time since we did Indian killing in such numbers as we did during the mid to late1800’s, when it was pretty much a sport to kill Indians and the more the better. However, we found other ways to destroy these people through moving them across the country, infecting them with small pox laden blankets, and Americanizing those that were not killed or maimed.
There is just so much hate that our country has expended on destroying the people who were here when the nation was young;and just like the civil war and everything else that has happened to this country it is a reckoning or karma which we must pay back before we can move forward.
I have been a believer in karma for a long time and the basic principle is that all that is good, brings good and those things that are bad, brings bad to you. It is a good philosophy because it always has you trying to do good things and better yourself. It is most definitely self interest in some cases, but the wonderment of the karmic philosophy is that it is so general as to not be relevant to our life experiences, because you are still doing your “selfish” karmic thing and the worst that can happen is that you have done some good in the world and made it a better place even if it is only a brief moment in time.
One of the best karmic laughs I have had is in the past several years as many of the tribal councils have been approved to have casino's. It is highly appropriate that Americans will spend their hard earned money to assist the Indians if they ever choose to just buy back their country. How unique and American this tale would be!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Tuesday, March 01, 2005


The news this evening is that one of Saddam Hussein’s Investigative Judges has been assassinated in what is surely an attempt to stifle the upcoming trial by scaring everyone involved.
The word out this evening is that it will not delay the investigation or the trial in what should be completed as soon as possible to put an end to this type of activity.
It amazes me that this is how the bad guys work in all areas of our lives. No matter what happens they are always playing a different game than the rest of us with little if any rules, while the good guys are held in check at every part of the game until and if they are able to get to the end of what ever it may be, whether a trial, a battle, a war, hell just an argument, we are always worrying that their rights are taken care of and all they care about is getting off, winning, etc.,.
My question for everyone who may read this is when is enough, enough? Do we really need to lose the war and have are lives end in death protecting the rights of the bad guys, or can we finally understand what is at stake and stop playing these legalistic games. Tomorrow there should be empaneled a very short term committee of leaders who shall come up with a more loose set of standards of behavior in several areas that are being infringed upon at this time. This would include the war against terrorism in the world, the war in Iraq in particular, the stand offs with North Korea, Iran, and perhaps Syria. This would lay out exactly what can be done and protect those who prosecute the wars with out having bullshit nonsense from lawyers trying to protect the detainees, or others caught fighting against this country or who had planned terror against our country. Civil Rights of these people would not be protected and anything we want to do to get information would be acceptable. This has been written about before as I have been on a bit of a rant of late as “idiot” judges have made rulings which is to benefit the people we are holding without charges, making it less likely that they will continue to be held and perhaps they will even get the opportunity to hurt more Americans or other people in this world who do not believe in their war against any culture with whom they do not agree.
I hope that at some point we can come to a place when there can be a dialogue with those who also live among us. I think it should be stated what is and is not allowed or even expected when we go to war with terrorists throughout the nation and indeed throughout the world.
My favorite shows are those with the talking heads and those who are always mouthing words about fairness, rights, and supposedly using our own laws to hinder what we can and cannot do to suspects, and this is always in the name of making sure that our rights will endure, by allowing the bad guys to have those same rights. We know from past and present experience that we are the only ones who care about rights. The terrorists only care about their objective which is the total and complete destruction of all things American, Western, or Christian, and not necessarily in that order. We shall see how things move along, but the bottom line is that we are the good guys and we need to make sure we are safe and to hell with everyone else!
Daniel Carvel Kepler