Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Ad Says bin-Laden Should Hide In New Orleans

“Bin Laden would be smart to hide where the U.S. pays the least attention -- New Orleans,” reads one of five advertisements prepared for the nonprofit, which raises money to supply clothing, shelter and other services in the area.
The above advertisement is using a bit of humor to get the point across that we have forgotten about New Orleans, and that there is still a great need for aid to this region. It would seem that there has been a tendency to assume that because we do not hear about it everyday, that everything is going well, as the city continues to try and right itself.

Just last week there was also a story about illnesses that have come about from the FEMA trailers that many resident's live in, and the lack of interest by the authorities to address their concerns about these illnesses.

I know everyone enjoys bashing Bush over the mishandling of the situation during and after Katrina hit New Orleans, but I have not. I think there was enough blame to be leveled at the Governor, the Mayor and others who were on the ground, and everyone misjudged the ferocity of the storm. I think that people like Kanye West are totally wrong, when they say that Bush ignored what was going on, because he hates black people. What nonsense!

Personally, I do not think that they should have rebuilt New Orleans in the same location, but that is up to the powers that be. Perhaps these ads will get people to open their hearts and wallets and give a little more assistance to our fellow still suffering Americans. We are a very generous nation and as long as they do not play the Bush blame game, I would be willing to help a little more as well.


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