Monday, February 14, 2005


The explosion which killed the former prime minister of Lebanon should indicate that Syria is one of our enemies, as well as an enemy to anyone in the Middle East who wants something better for their people. I want the people over here to see just how lucky they are to live in a country where even during a war you are allowed to disagree with the government and keep your life. This is definitely not the case in most places around the world, and to be truthful I do not we should be allowed to do so in this country either. However, the fact is that you can disagree and live another day, where as if you speak out in other countries you face possible prison time as well as potential death at the hands who do not wish to hear opposition voices.
This day has seen an explosion which experts have measured as high as 650 pounds of tnt in its’ explosive power. The people who did this had the resources and the wherewithal to make sure that no one who was in the blast radius would survive. The crater was 30 feet wide and 9 feet deep, and its force broke windows over half a mile away. This was no small time improvised explosive device. Officials are already laying the blame where it should be laid, which is at the door step of the Syrians, who have annexed Lebanon, without a war, in the traditional sense. This was what Saddam wanted for Kuwait, but his heavy handedness, through blatant aggression, got him his first taste of defeat at our hands and set in motion the process by which we would come back to finish him off at a later date, which is what we did. The Syrians have been clever so as to not raise the ire of anyone in the world including us, so as to avoid Saddam’s fate.
Facts are that we should be sending air strikes into Syria by the end of the week with an avowed policy of their removal from Lebanon, or the threat of immediate violence on the following weekend. We should give them this ultimatum with the full support of our allies. They should be reminded that we are allies in a civilized world who must put an end to the uncivilized behavior of these criminal regimes. Crank up the war machine and get all of the heavy violence underway as quickly as possible, with full intention of destroying the war making capabilities of this and any other nation that chooses to not act in a way we deem acceptable.
If you have read other of these commentaries you know that I believe our country is paying back Karma for our past wrongs against Native Americans and others as our country grew. I think that we must be the policeman, warrior, hell, even a babysitter of nations if need be until we can make everyone’s standard of living better, and not just material standard of living, but spiritual. I think we may be the country that can get the world to a better, or even “promised” land even if we cannot get there ourselves. If we must be the nation that brings everyone kicking and screaming into the 21st century, so be it, but this is a time for boldness and some recklessness, or we will end up with a world destroyed by complacent governments who choose only to profit from their ruin and either cannot or will not commit their treasure or their blood to make this world a better place. We made be thought evil by many in the world, and perhaps we are, but we are definitely the lesser of the evils that now stalk our world and vie for the bodies and minds of people everywhere.
Freedom- Choose it or Lose it!
That simple phrase is what we fight for, not just for our countrymen, but for men in all countries. Our nobility make get us killed, but surely sitting by and doing nothing would get us killed as well, and probably much quicker.
Winston Churchill was a great man with great ideas, and had a wonderful oratory and he once said, “ A hero dies a single death, a Coward many.” It is as true now, as when he stood with people against the evil that took hold of Europe, when England stood in the way of Hitler and possible world conquest. They stood against a great onslaught and held them off until America came into the war. That was dangerous time for the world, just as we face a dangerous time now. Civilization must stand against its’ foes, and fight them back with everything that we have or we shall be doomed.
Fight evil now on our shore and abroad, and may the good guys win. I know I have to remind many of you that we are the “good” guys and it saddens me that many of you were brought up in a school system that did not teach you to think, but had indoctrination as its’ only goal and not indoctrination in our true history, but in the politically correct nature of having America being the bad guy. What a load of crap and when I am in power these teachers shall be brought to proper justice and retrained.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoopsie, think ya lost control of yerself there at the end oh future King of the world! ;)
