Monday, February 28, 2005


So Osama bin Laden is trying to get al-Zarqawi to commit acts of violence inside the United States as a intercepted communication suggests.
This comes shortly after we have seen 115 people killed in one of the worst homicide bombings yet. It only goes to show that there is still a lot of work to be done in Iraq to make sure that the violence slows down, so that the Iraqi’s can get on with rebuilding their country.
We need to go full out in everything that we do to stop the violence and catch the bad guys in Iraq as well as the rest of the world, in particular catching or should I say killing Osama bin Laden. I know it would make some people feel better to catch him and put him on trial. This would be a terrible mistake as it would give his lunatic followers a focal point for all of their anger and hatred to be poured during his long and farcical trial. No, he should be found and quietly killed and just have him fade away, never to be heard from again. We should seize his assets and use them to further combat terrorism around the world. I think that by their very actions none of these people need to have any trials. They should be summarily executed just as they are doing to the Iraqi people, as well as our own soldiers and civilians.
This is a war for the soul of the world and if we do not fight with every weapon at our disposal we will end up with another 9/11. It is only a matter of time before they get lucky again. After all they were very patient after their attempt in 1993, and took all of the time they needed to organize their horrendous attack. We should understand that they are even now looking for ways to attack us and kill as many Americans as they can in one huge attack. I believe that they will be trying every avenue available and if we make another mistake and “leave the door unlocked” to this country they will find a way to hurt us again.
We need to do something with the people that we are holding in the prison facilities as well. They should be medically tortured to find out what they know and if they are innocent they should be allowed to return home and if we find that they are bad guys, they should be altered so that they can lead us back to their bosses and allow is to catch and kill them all. I am sure that we can implant them with a tracker of some kind. Perhaps we could even insert an explosive device into their bodies, obviously without their knowledge, and when they get back with their buddies we can make sure they are all terrorists and then detonate the bad guy, thus ridding the world of him and some of his buddies, perhaps even Osama himself could be taken out in such a fashion.
I think that if we do not get more ruthless and devious we will not catch/kill Osama or any of the other bad guys, by doing it the nice way that we seem to be going after them now. Think of the most horrendous ways to kill someone and that should be the maner in which we kill these animals when they are caught. This should be televised so that everyone will know that they will not be allowed a nice martyr’s way, but the way of disposing of a sick animal. We shall debase them every way we can and make sure their dignity is destroyed before we allow them to die. I think a bit of bizarre, disgusting death for these bastards is called for and we should let them know they will not find virgins waiting for them, but only torture, pain and death.
Osama! We are coming for you! May a pleasantly horrible death await you!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you mean Do you think we would be getting killed?
YES, do not think for a minute this is our fault. The hatred they have for us is one of ideas not because we are trying to better the world. Wake up before it is too late!