Thursday, March 24, 2005


We will write somewhat about Mr. David Irving this evening, because he is so pathetic it is barely worth the time to write about this ignorant bastard. This is a person who actually believes that he somehow does his right winf nazi cause good by trying to pretend history did not happen, it might be something to read about if it was not for that fact that this Irving thing really believes in the fairy tales that he writes about wherein there were no Nazi death camps, but merely labor camps where people might die due to the circumstances, but never by direct means.
What the hell is going on in a world where something as understood as the holocaust is written about in a light that it did not happen. I am confounded by this “retard” and the “retards” that follow him and not just follow him, but send him money for his cause. What a load of shit, can we just start bustin’ caps on the asses of these morons. I am so tired of preten Nazi’s coming forward and writing about something they obviously do not understand from the point of a true German.
I am of German heritage and I am very proud of it, even to the point that in the sixth grade I thought that Adolph Hitler was an amazing figure. He took a third rate nation to the third most powerful nation in the world in less than twice years. Unfortunately, he was a maniac, and not just a maniac, but an Austrian, who had something to prove to the people who picked on him throughout his life. He was not amazing, he was pure evil and he was in the right place at the right time to take over a nation and either directly or indirectly he caused the death of probably thirty million people and even more if you count the evil which he passed on to Stalin and the thirty million people that he killed. You know it is really difficult to think about all of these people if you do not first realize that this was done not in the name of Nationalism or any other time of ism, unless there is a word “crazyism”, which there is not, but should be.
Look around us in this country and understand the consequences of what one man can do if he is not only thought of as a politician, but as either a representative of god or prophet of said god. Now we know that this is pretty much not possible in this country, or is it. After all there are many in America that believe that Ronald Reagan could have been a dictator, do to the way people liked him and his ability to captivate people with his oratory, much as Hitler did. It is like mass hypnosis, but it has more long reaching effects as it does not just change the person, but can cause such powerful effects that they may kill for their leader. My god, Oliver North and those under Reagan were willing to do anything to make their vision of what America should be come true. This blind belief caused the lives of Americans around the world, but the good will that Reagan had from the Amercan people insulated him from any blame. This is similar to the way all dictators work, except that they lost wars or property and thus lost their careers and in some cases their lives.
This is not ment to be a whole psychology primer on modern political figures, thought that is something that we shall explore over time. This is merely to express my contempt for David Irving for pretending to understand and even worse for pretending to explain history to us. He is neither a student or teacher of history, but merely one more piece of shit with an agenda that he is trying to foist upon young people, who are too stupid to think for themselves. He picked a good country in England, for they are pretty pathetic in their thinking skills as they tire easily. That is unless they remember that fifty years ago they were fighting and dying on the beaches of France as they fought to destroy the nazi’s in Germany.
What the hell is wrong with our young people that they do not know how to think anymore and that they would even listen to a “retard” such as David Irving who is irresponsible and ignorant!
Daniel Carvel Kepler


Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure that anyone has the right to say whatever they want too, so Mr. David Irving has a different view, how can you be sure that he is wrong!

Anonymous said...

ROFLMFAO!!!!! Sure you can have a different opinion, but you can't rewrite history. Are you friggin' serious?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thank you for supporting my attack on David Irving's view of history. This kind of fallacious information is dangerous in a world of ignorant people.