Friday, April 15, 2005


There is a book out that everyone must read. It is "They Just Don't Get It", by Colonel David Hunt, who is a constant on Fox News as commentator on current events. He is a man of reality thinking and his advice is similar to what I have long advocated, which is to take the war on terrorism to the terrorist's. This means assassination, political manipulation of countries, etc.
The whole premise of Colonel David Hunt is that we are in a war for our very existence and he is one of the few people who actually gets it right. My God! How long do we have to listen to the idiots who believe that if we did talked to these animals we could all live together in peace. We should remember that they do not want to talk to us about anything, they want to kill us and that is all.
We have just seen another american taken hostage by people who demand that we pull of of Iraq and actually believe that this futile attempt will actually bring this about. Well it will not, because the first thing that they should understand is that we are not going to negotiate anything with them. We will try and keep this man alive long enough to find him alive or we will try and track his hostage takers down and capture or kill them after they have killed this man.
We need to get together with any of the countries that they say are all for stopping these terrorists and we need to create a corps of infiltrators and hunter killer teams to eradicate these creatures. Anyone or anything that will facilitate this goal should be encouraged and anyone or anything that gets in our way should be removed. I am indeed advocating using the full force of our power and money to do whatever it takes to end this nonsense. We have important things that need to be done on this world and the money we waste coddling these terrorists and their appeasers is a king's ransom.
There seems to be a small boycott against american goods in Saudi Arabia by people who did not like our invasion of Iraq. Well so be it. We have kept this corrupt royal family in power way too long and we should put them on notice that they get control of the hatred being taught by clerics in their schools or we will remove them as quickly as we did Saddam Hussein. This same warning needs to be made to other countries in the region and the world for that matter. Iran and Syria should be on the very short list of countries that will have new governments by next year. I am wholeheartedly for destroying the nuclear facility in Iran and in North Korea as well and if other countries get in the way or object we have some to go around for them as well. There is no way in hell that we should allow the Chinese or any other inferior nation tell us what is right for the world.
We all know that what I and others are writing about are correct and only time is causing the possibility that we might fail in doing the right thing for the world. We and our friends must save civilization or there is a chance that it might end and end very soon. We all know if the looney terrorists were to get ahold of nuclear weapons they would surely use them. Therefore we must make preemptive strikes before they have that chance to hit us and as on 9/11 they do not mind killing innocents. That is our one huge problem. We do not enjoy killing innnocents as they do and it makes us handicapped in this type of warfare, because we do care who we kill and what innocents might get in the way and we often make mistakes because of these worries.
I am calling on all of us to make it known that we want our leaders to be about getting the job done no matter what they have to do to get it done. The good of the many does outweigh the good of the few or the one. Let us do the right thing even if it is done by wrong means. This is one area where two wrongs can make a right and the right thing to do is to win this war on terror and win it NOW!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


It is time for Tom Delay, to follow a fellow Texans example, the late Jim Wright, who also was intertwined in ethical issues and resign his office. He should consider himself lucky if they do not indict and convict him for the crap that he is embroiled in. I find it so funny that these same punks who went after Clinton on Whitewater are way more guilty than anything Clinton ever did.
He has issues with his fundraising, his wife and children on political action payrolls, etc.,so we can look forward to this bomb thrower to at least lose some of his power to terrorize other people in government. In fact, he threatened the lives of judges the other day when he procliamed that these men are not accountable and may face violent repercussions. Wow, is this a conservative or a wacko, or are they interchangeble.
In other news Stephen Stanko the released prisoner who killed his live in girl friend and her older acquitance and stole his pick up has been caught through the coordination of a woman who was his date Sunday and law enforcement, which is wonderful in everyway except that he is still alive and will now get to use our retarded justice system to injure the memories of the victims as well as society by allowing this abomination to live. It is a terrible shame that he did not resist arrest and could have been politely shot many times!
There is one other area I would like to begin a conversation as it will with us for many years to come. I refer to the upcoming collision between the alternative visions for the future of NASA. The President wants the agency to get men back in space and on to Mars, a planet which we should have been on long ago. It is also an agency that some would have doing robotic and purely scientific work, but the President's view is that anything that we do should be part of the overall goal of pushing us to the moon, then Mars, and beyond.
I wholeheartedly support the goal of getting us into space and while it would be nice if other nations would like to go with us so much the better, but we MUST get back into space and we must do it now. This planet may be heading for destruction and if that is going to happen we need another place to go and that will take time. Therefore, we should begin to shift the defense and other budgets to the exploration and conquest of space. I understand that leaving the solar system is a long way off and it will require some type of quantum leap in propulsion or other scientific discoveries to allow us to reach other earth like planets.
I know that alot of people look at this as a dream, but many things have been only dreams and it takes people and treasure to get things accomplished. This is where we are at right now and we need to get off of our collective butts and get this program going as if it is a life and death matter, because it is just that serious. Look at the world around us and we can see that it is nearly at the carrying capacity of the planet and yet we still have idiots in warm areas driving SUV's meant for snowy area, and on and on. We live in world that is rapidly depleting resources, so we need to begin thinking a hundred years, even two hundred years in the future ane we must plan our programs on those long term visions of what we want our country and our world to become.
We have programs in the planning stages such as the Defense Agency plan to protect the planet from incoming planet killer asteroids, which is another good plan as we will need this planet even as we move out into the solar system and beyond. We should already be spending huge amounts of money on long range robotic missions so we know where to head as soon as the Mars missions their subsequent colonies are completed. Now as I mentioned we are talking about long term missions and some of this will occur in our great-grandchildren's lifetimes, which is the point of this whole program. They will look back with favorable words if we do what needs to be done and if we do not they will look back in anger and shame for the wastefulness of our time.
To the heaven's and Godspeed to us all, for those who travel for us will carry us with them as they will for all mankind. It will once again be "One small step for man and one giant leap for mankind", and I cannot wait for the adventures to begin!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


This has been an interesting weekend with the funeral of the Pope and the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles.
The funeral of the Pope was a beautiful piece of pomp and circumstance and it gave people around the world who admired this good man to bid him off to his eternal resting place. I hope that it will also be known for the fact that it allowed many leaders around the world to meet and to perhaps form relationships that will make the world a better place in the future. I realize I may be asking too much of these people for having just been together for such a short time, but maybe watching this funeral gave these leaders a look a mortality and how their lives may be judged when they are gone.
It would be extremely nice if leaders around the world would emulate the Pope in just a few ways, which would include caring for the poor and downtrodden, his penchant for peace, but not quite to the extent of allowing killers to roam free.
The other pretty big deal was the wedding of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles, which while not quite the spectacle of the Pope's funeral, was nonetheless a big deal for Great Britain and perhaps the world. The Prince may still be King and therefore as a future head of the Church of England he as a divorced man may change its' future as well. From what everyone says this woman is a good person and will be a positive influence on royalty and society. It should be remembered that the Church of England was started when King Henry the XIII decided he did not like the church denying him divorces and murders of his wives, so he merely took over the church leadership and did whatever he wanted. So for Prince Charles to merely be a divorcee and not a murderer should please the people and the church. He deserves to be happy, and if this woman makes him happy so be it. Good luck to the Prince.
There has been other news as the second anniversary of the toppling of Bagdad and the end of Saddam Hussein's rule was becoming a reality. The cleric Al-Sadr has his followers out protesting the continued presence of United States troops. This is the loser who signed truces after his failed uprisings in Najaf and Baghdad's Sadr City neighborhood. For the life of me I cannot see why this punk cleric is still alive. The minute he signed the truce he should have suffered a quiet fatal heart attack as should anyone who is still inciting violence in Iraq against the government or our troops. I am a believer in the fact that we should not leave people alive who would have us killed if they get the opportunity and anyone who does not agree with this assesment is either a fool or a corpse.
People, pay attention! I will go over this again. There are people in this world who are planning to or already killing our people in this world and they will not stop doing these evil acts until we stop them or they die of natural causes. We need to make sure the natural causes happen on a quicker time table than it has been taking them so far. Assassination may seem wrong, but it can be quiet, quick, and limit the number of innocents who would be killed in bigger numbers if we had to use violence on a larger scale to accomplish the same goal, that is the death of the bad guys. Anyone who does not know who the bad guys are have not been paying attention to this column, nor do they view any news shows, for anyone who disagrees with the United States IS a bad guy-enough said, have a nice day!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Sunday, April 10, 2005


There has been a change in Iraq and the people that once welcomed us as liberators now curse us as oppressor’s. My how a few years can make such a difference and perhaps we should look over our priorities and figure out not only what we should do to help people, but what we should do to help ourselves.
Obviously, we are working off some of the nation’s karmic debt when we go into other countries and try to help them, so we might want to take a closer look at what it will cost in the way of young lives and treasure. I know that I have written that because of our past sins we must make amends and do good around the world, but if these people want o curse us and berate us, then maybe we should leave them to their own devices and let the dictator’s and evil men who would rule them take over once again.
I for one am tired of these unappreciative assholes giving us a rough time by protesting our every move, when they had no such protest voice when their previous masters ruled over them. It makes wonder what our young men are doing over there dying in such numbers, when the people they are over there helping treat them with such disrespect.
Hell, let Saddam back in power and they would understand the word oppression a whole lot better than they do under our assistance. For god’s sakes these people can barely answer their own question’s, let alone question’s about who is or is not right in the aftermath of the Saddam era.
In other news, it seems that the young Lunsford child was alive when Cooey buried her ALIVE!!! Is there any damn reason to hear anymore about this case. He should be dead and in hell already and anyone who assisted him through lies or omission should be in prison for the rest of their lives.
The information that is coming out of Florida is that he had the girl in the Mobile Home when the police were looking for her and that the neighbor’s did not come out and tell the police that she was in the mobile home. How pathetic is that! These people knew that there was little girl in this mobile home and they let him do what he wanted to her including killing her through burying her ALIVE! Does this touch anyone as much as it does me? She was tortured and buried alive by a pedophile who should not be allowed to breath another breath in this temporal world. Is it any wonder that these perverted pieces of shit go after young children who still believe that people are good.
I have listened to all of the news in regard to this young girl as well as the young girl in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and I cannot for the life of me figure out why we allow these messed up people to exist in our world. They should all be killed at the earliest opportunity and our children should never be put in such a precarious position again!
This is quickly becoming a rant against pedophiles, but it is not. I am tired of the laws and the attorney’s who get these sick bastards lesser sentences or probation. The pedophiles deserve to go to prison or a mental hospital and they should never be able to walk among us again.
The only way that children can feel safe is if the first instance of pedophilia is dealt with in a prompt and final way, I.e., these folks should be put away forever or they should be killed. I will not mince words, there has to be a final solution to this type of behavior. I do not care if they were abused or whatever they want use as a rational for their actions. Simply put, if you touch or abuse a child you shall never get the opportunity to do so again. We shall not permit it and if any of these civil rights assholes get in our way, we shall deal with them as well.
The ACLU has a penchant for helping criminals of all persuasions and they really could care less for the rights of the victim’s. Well, if they choose to cross the line in the sand, then let them stand with the baby raper’s and child killer’s, but do not tell us you are trying to defend our rights. We do not kill or rape children, so we do not care about the right’s of those who do!
Anyone have a better idea?
All I really know is that I know what is right and wrong and so do the people who harm our children and I want them to be gone forever.
Contact your government and tell them that laws must be changed once and for all so that these children’s deaths are not in vain. Stop the pedophiles, stop the rape, stop the killing and to hell with their feelings or civil right’s.
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Friday, April 08, 2005


There is a movement in this country to try and stop illegal immigration and it is taking the shape of volunteer Minutemen right now in Arizona.
This is becoming a show of all the things that those who live on the border face everyday. I find it extremely interesting that the politicians are not sure what to make of these volunteers who are going top spend thirty days helping the border patrol in dealing with the illegal aliens who pour across our borders daily.
What shall we do in regard to immigrants? I think that we need to figure out what we want in this country. Perhaps we need to have more people allowed into the country in the resident alien worker programs. This would allow those who wish to work here come over and not be taken advantage of, as often happens to illegal aliens. This would also hold employers accountable for the people that they have working for them, whether they are Americans or immigrants.
As Americans we have such a giant advantage over nearly every other person in this world and we are all the children of immigrants to one extent or another, even the Native Americans are immigrants, though there trek was several thousand years before anyone else, so they are the only ones who can say that they belong here. As an American, we have the bonus of long life, wonderful opportunities, etc., so how can anyone look at the people who flood in here daily and begrudge them a chance at a better life.
Well I do begrudge them that new life, and I do so because there are many people who want to come here and they follow the rules and wait their turn. They may have to wait much longer than they should have to, because of the overload of illegal aliens who flood over the borders.
The Minutemen should be a wake up call to all of us that the time to deal with the illegal aliens and the terrorists who may be coming across with them. This should absolutely be a National Defense issue and we should not allow the politicians to get away with ignoring it anymore. We need to contact the politicians all the way to the top and tell them how we feel, and I mean on both sides, so that there can be a national debate with action of one kind or another being the outcome.
I believe that there needs to be a change in the law to require the military to be involved in this effort. No one should come across our borders without someone knowing about it and stopping it. There should be a GPS tracking device inserted in everyone that we catch and send back. This should no longer be a silent issue, but one which is talked about, yelled about, and finally one which is solved to the best of our ability.
In addition to the insertion of a GPS tracking device in a place which would threaten the life of the illegal alien if they try and remove it, we should also take DNA samples, fingerprints, retinal scans, etc., which would be in a Data Base available to all law enforcement agencies as well as all agencies, which make available services to citizens, such as hospitals, social security, etc.,.
As I write this I can already here the civil rights idiot’s, better known as the ACLU, American Civil Liberties Union, crying foul and being indignant to the fact that we want people who violate our laws to be held more accountable than our own citizen’s. Well, too bad for them, if they want to do anything they can go to the illegal aliens home countries and instruct them in the proper and correct way to come to this nation.
This is not a racist view, as many of the legal immigrants to this country are among the vocal opponents to this illegal influx of people. The new citizen’s who did everything the right way, by waiting their turn, want their fellow immigrants to follow their example and come here, learn the language, follow the laws, and become Americans the right way!
It is believed that there are nearly 11 million illegal aliens in this country at this time, which is a tremendous drain on resources that are in place for legal citizen’s to use, such as hospitals, government aid, private charities, and more. Do you want these people to use all of these resources without the input of their tax dollars these resources available.
As I have written before, I do feel for these people who want to come here, but please do it the right and legal way. Immigrants are the new lifeblood of this nation, but only the legal ones should be allowed to stay, all others should be treated as the criminals that they are. May America be blessed and may our government do the right thing to make us safe!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


I am back after a bad bout with a severe virus and I am glad to be back. There has been much in the news with the death of Terri Schiavo and the Pope over the last week and weekend. We will see a lot more about the Schiavo killing as this year moves along and people carefully look at how her murder was accomplished. Now, you already know that I believe it is alright o end the suffering of a person who is in a condition where they cannot get better, but it looks as if so much of her case was misleading that it will be difficult to know for sure whether or not she was even in a vegetative state as her husband murderer says, or if she could have gotten better as her parents and family believe. I hope that someone in the government will review the findings of the murderer’s assistant in this killing the medical examiner who refused to allow an independent investigator to watch the proceedings to make sure they were done correctly. This refusal alone should tell everyone that something is fishy in this murder.
The death of the Holy Father was in part very sad as he was a good man, who truly cared for the people, both rich and poor of this world and mostly the poor as he could relate to these wonderful people as he believed them to be. It was terrible that he had to suffer so long in these last few years as his Parkinson’s got worse and his health faltered.
I can say some things about the Pope as a fallen away Catholic, who left the church in part because it was becoming too liberal and I thought that a church that has to follow its members instead of the other way around is not a church with any conviction. I found Pope John Paul II to be a powerful force for being the Church and not changing to reflect the faltering morals of many of its’ members, which is at it should be in a church that purports to get its’ authority from Jesus Christ himself. While I have not returned to the church I have found his views on morality a great asset to anyone who wants to find some strength in their church leaders.
I know that Cardinal Karol Wojtla, as the Pope was known before becoming Pope. This young man was in Poland when the Nazi’s came in and he was arrested. Many of his friends died during that war and in the year’s after when the Communists controlled Poland, so he was a man who saw much death and destruction as the hands of true evil. He brought those experiences to the throne of St. Peter when he became Pope and they helped make him a man of the people around the world who were oppressed by evil men, whether they were dictators or councils of people, he knew that they were against God and he used his moral authority to help these people in these countries become free.
I have always found it very offensive that Ronald Reagan was given credit for the collapse of the Soviet Union, when in fact it was the Pope who gave the Poles, and then others the power to stand against the evil that they faced and allowed them to remove this yoke from their shoulders. If anything Ronald Reagan was riding the Pope’s coattails in the freedom that spread across Eastern Europe and not the other way around as many of Ronald Reagan’s stooges would have people believe. Perhaps history will finally get it right as they write the fantastic life of this “good man” It is that final thought that I have been left with after seeing the words spoken about this fallen Pope.
My father always said to me that the best that can be said of you when you are gone is that you were a “good man” and that would put you above titles, awards, or other signs that are put on a person after they are dead. Pope John Paul II was a “good man” in every aspect of that word.
I do have some quarrels with the Pope, but they are over practical concerns and not his stand on morality or what is right and wrong in the world as he had a rock solid belief in what God was telling him to do.
My concerns were the facts that the Pope and the church did not and have not come out for birth control and contraception which would aid in not over populating the world and would help in preventing the spread of AIDS in these unprotected people.
I am sure that we will all be reading and writing about this fine man for months and probably years to come, and that is a good thing. We can only hope that the next Pope can be half as effective as this Pope was . This should be a phenomenal funeral this Friday as leaders and people from all over the world gather in Rome to bid this leader a final farewell. I am proud that our President will be attending the funeral, because as we all know these two leaders did not see eye to eye on issues, such as Iraq and the war, but that they did see that governments can use their power to make the lives of lesser people around the world better.
Pope John Paul II should be home with his Father in Heaven as we write this article and may he have mercy on those in this world who say bad things or do evil, for his only response would be that he is sorry that he cannot be here to help put an end to those bad things and the evil men who still stride across this planet. We need more good people not fewer, so the death of this good man is a tragedy for the world. Blessed Be!
Daniel Carvel Kepler