Wednesday, April 13, 2005


It is time for Tom Delay, to follow a fellow Texans example, the late Jim Wright, who also was intertwined in ethical issues and resign his office. He should consider himself lucky if they do not indict and convict him for the crap that he is embroiled in. I find it so funny that these same punks who went after Clinton on Whitewater are way more guilty than anything Clinton ever did.
He has issues with his fundraising, his wife and children on political action payrolls, etc.,so we can look forward to this bomb thrower to at least lose some of his power to terrorize other people in government. In fact, he threatened the lives of judges the other day when he procliamed that these men are not accountable and may face violent repercussions. Wow, is this a conservative or a wacko, or are they interchangeble.
In other news Stephen Stanko the released prisoner who killed his live in girl friend and her older acquitance and stole his pick up has been caught through the coordination of a woman who was his date Sunday and law enforcement, which is wonderful in everyway except that he is still alive and will now get to use our retarded justice system to injure the memories of the victims as well as society by allowing this abomination to live. It is a terrible shame that he did not resist arrest and could have been politely shot many times!
There is one other area I would like to begin a conversation as it will with us for many years to come. I refer to the upcoming collision between the alternative visions for the future of NASA. The President wants the agency to get men back in space and on to Mars, a planet which we should have been on long ago. It is also an agency that some would have doing robotic and purely scientific work, but the President's view is that anything that we do should be part of the overall goal of pushing us to the moon, then Mars, and beyond.
I wholeheartedly support the goal of getting us into space and while it would be nice if other nations would like to go with us so much the better, but we MUST get back into space and we must do it now. This planet may be heading for destruction and if that is going to happen we need another place to go and that will take time. Therefore, we should begin to shift the defense and other budgets to the exploration and conquest of space. I understand that leaving the solar system is a long way off and it will require some type of quantum leap in propulsion or other scientific discoveries to allow us to reach other earth like planets.
I know that alot of people look at this as a dream, but many things have been only dreams and it takes people and treasure to get things accomplished. This is where we are at right now and we need to get off of our collective butts and get this program going as if it is a life and death matter, because it is just that serious. Look at the world around us and we can see that it is nearly at the carrying capacity of the planet and yet we still have idiots in warm areas driving SUV's meant for snowy area, and on and on. We live in world that is rapidly depleting resources, so we need to begin thinking a hundred years, even two hundred years in the future ane we must plan our programs on those long term visions of what we want our country and our world to become.
We have programs in the planning stages such as the Defense Agency plan to protect the planet from incoming planet killer asteroids, which is another good plan as we will need this planet even as we move out into the solar system and beyond. We should already be spending huge amounts of money on long range robotic missions so we know where to head as soon as the Mars missions their subsequent colonies are completed. Now as I mentioned we are talking about long term missions and some of this will occur in our great-grandchildren's lifetimes, which is the point of this whole program. They will look back with favorable words if we do what needs to be done and if we do not they will look back in anger and shame for the wastefulness of our time.
To the heaven's and Godspeed to us all, for those who travel for us will carry us with them as they will for all mankind. It will once again be "One small step for man and one giant leap for mankind", and I cannot wait for the adventures to begin!
Daniel Carvel Kepler

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