Monday, May 16, 2005


I was watching the reports of the proposed base closures today and it makes me wonder just how serious the Bushies are about fighting terrorism? They purport to be all about the military men and women who serve, but then they target bases all over the country where these same men and women have families.
They say that the base closings will save $49 billion over the next twenty years, which seems ridiculously minor in relation to what they waste everyday in Washington on things less important than the military. Hell, they probably spend that much in copy paper in a week at the White House, Congress, and the Pentagon.
I believe that what we see is that this is just a way for the administration to attack the military while still trying to say that they are all for the military personnel. If this were not the case would you not see them enhancing military facilities instead of closing them. I believe that when we ask these fine men and women to fight and die for this country we owe them the respect and yes the bases to live a decent life. I think that with all of the boondoggles that this administration is spending money on they can surely change a few priorities and take care of the service personnel.
I believe that they are also talking about bringing more troops home from overseas bases, so maybe they should hold off on doing any base closings until they decide what we are going to do overseas. Wouldn’t it be nice if these people in Washington actually thought these decisions through to the end before they make rash decisions. If they had done so, we would have waited to deal with Iraq until after we had capped Ossama Bid Laden’s ass. I think that our policies should be thought out a little more and we should less public notice about what we are going to do. A right to know should be tempered with a need to know and from what I see there is a lot of things that we should be doing around the world and they should be kept from the public, thus giving the bad guys less notice to hide from us.
We need to think hard about our next move in the Middle East. I think that we are going to have to attack Iran and possibly Syria in the very near future and I hope that when the time comes we just do it without notice, and without consultation with “allies” except for Great Britain who is our only real ally.
Iran will need to be dealt with over the nuclear program that they continually lie about and Syria, because they continue helping the insurgents who slip across the border and attack inside Iraq. We should have a very frank exchange with the Syrian’s and let them know in no uncertain terms that if they continue to assist the insurgent’s they shall become fair game for our troops and we will put an end not only to the insurgent hiding places, but we shall also put an end to the Syrian government and bring democracy to another Middle East country.
With the Iranians we should have all nuclear areas targeted and when we strike we should hit only the facilities and if they mullahs say anything we should change that government as well. We know that the people of Iran still like Americans and I think that allowing them to have a freer country would be an interesting turn of events. I am all for changing governments and putting in power people who like us or at least do not hate us. This is soon coming to a head in a lot of countries where we need to give the people the opportunity to choose governments that allow the people the right to have better lives.
It has been equally offensive to see that men and women who went to war are being prosecuted for abusing prisoners and killing the bad guys. What is wrong with us when we send people to prison for doing stupid things to prisoners, such as offending them, stripping them naked and making fun of them, as well as flushing the Koran down a toilet to bother them. Wow, what atrocities! We have got to be the stupidest people in the world sometimes, for doing such petty things and actually giving people prison time and destroying their careers over this nonsense. God wouldn’t the men and women who went through real atrocities in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam, be astounded to find what is taken as atrocities in this day and age. I think that we should be a lot more abusive until we get the terrorists and insurgent’s to stop their killing of innocents and until that happens we should do anything that we want to find out information or just for the fact that they will fear us even if they do not respect us. At least if there is some fear on their parts it may keep people from getting killed on both sides.
Tomorrow is another day in the life of the struggling democracy in Iraq and we can only hope that these poor people can continue to hold firm against the forces that would send them back into the days of Saddam and his type of killers. Each day that they hold on is a great day for the future of them and their children. Hang on it will get better!


Anonymous said...

"as well as flushing the Koran down a toilet"

No shit...they should thank us for could have been Hop On Pop!


Anonymous said...

I think Daniel may have been abducted...perhaps he'll have a use for that alien bag after all. I hope the anal probes are a large gauge so he can at least enjoy it a bit...
