Friday, November 30, 2007

Hostages In Hillarys Office

This has been a day of hostage holding, first I was held hostage all day by Panera's lack of wifi signal, and then a deranged man (Not Rush Limbaugh), wearing what appeared to be a bomb strapped to his chest walked into a Hillary Rodham Clinton campaign office Friday, took several hostages and demanded to speak to the candidate, authorities said.

The man released at least three hostages as the afternoon wore on, but nearly four hours after the standoff began, police said they were still dealing with a hostage situation and the man had not been taken into custody.

The story indicates that the suspect was an older man known around the town to be mentally unstable, the law enforcement official told the AP. He walked into the campaign office and opened his jacket, revealing what appeared to be a pipe bomb.

The law enforcement official confirmed the name of the man as Leeland Eisenberg and said Eisenberg demanded to speak with Clinton. But authorities did not know what Leeland wanted to talk to Clinton about.

It is a hopeful sign that he released three hostages, but law enforcement said that the hostage situation has not been concluded, but he is confident that he has the resources to end the crisis successfully. Our hopes are the same, and good luck!!


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