Saturday, August 23, 2008

Obama Picks Biden W T ?

I was drinking last night celebrating my birthday and this news came out that Senator Joseph Biden was Barack Obama's pick for his Vice-President, and I just thought it was the debilitating effects of Seagrams 7, and having worked 11hours, and having been awake for 22 hours, but upon awakening the news was the same.

I know there must be others out there who are shaking their heads, and saying "What The #$%^ was he thinking"!
Don't get me wrong, I think Biden is an amiable guy, who is like a lot of "us" pontificating, longwinded know-it-alls, who just happens to be a Senator, and has a forum to ramble. However, I just do not understand how this man can assist Obama in any area besides shoring up his "military and being tough on crime" credentials. It may help if McCain picks the original Stephen Douglas, and Biden can debate him like the old days for hours on end, as Biden would be able to out talk pretty much anyone.
Oh by the way, I did support Senator Biden for President in 1988, as I thought he was the best candidate, and then the whole lifting lines from Nile Kinnick flap occurred and ended that run.
I am perplexed and hope that the Obama supporters out there can explain to me how this helps anyone, but the morons like Rushie Limbaugh, Manchurian McCain, and others who wanted Biden to be the "one"?!
It is also perplexing that for all of the talk of unity and support by Hillary Clinton, she was never even vetted as a "possible" running mate, so that makes Obama appear a bit disingenuous as well, though I wouldn't hold that totally against him, because Hillary would have brought many issues into the race that they wouldn't have wanted to bring in, i.e. Bill's library donors, and other things from "their" days in the White House. Even so, who wouldn't rather trade the Clinton years for the Bush years, anyday. Well besides the obvious, Haliburton, Blackwater, et al., and other "looters" of the Treasury!
Anyway this should be an interesting race, and now we'll wait to see McCain's pick.

The story "of the day" is at Yahoo News and reads:
Democrats coalesced around Barack Obama's selection of Joe Biden as his running mate on Saturday while Republicans quickly seized on the Delaware senator's past criticism of the presidential candidate's inexperience. Former rival Hillary Rodham Clinton, an also-ran in Obama's search for a vice presidential choice, called Biden "an exceptionally strong, experienced leader and devoted public servant." Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the Obama-Biden ticket will bring the change the country needs, including a filibuster-proof Senate majority.

The campaign of Republican rival John McCain wasted no time, immediately producing an ad featuring Biden's previous praise for McCain and comments critical of Obama from an ABC News interview last year. Biden had said he stood by an earlier statement that Obama wasn't yet ready to be president and "the presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training." "There has been no harsher critic of Barack Obama's lack of experience than Joe Biden," McCain campaign spokesman Ben Porritt said in a statement. "Biden has denounced Barack Obama's poor foreign policy judgment and has strongly argued in his own words what Americans are quickly realizing — that Barack Obama is not ready to be president." Some of Biden's Republican colleagues in the Senate praised the Delaware Democrat, including Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana. Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., called Biden "the right partner for Barack Obama" and the decision "good news for Obama and America."
Obama and Biden were set to meet for an afternoon rally in Springfield, Ill., in front of the old state Capitol where the Illinois senator kicked off his presidential campaign nearly 20 months ago.
link to full story

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