Thursday, February 12, 2009

America's Greatest President Turns 200 Today!

200th Birthday Of America's Greatest President
My birthday wishes to Abraham Lincoln on his 200th birthday, :"Today, Thursday , February 12th, is the 200th birthday of the Greatest President in American history, and I just want to say Rest In Peace Mr. President,
what?...sorry someone just looked over my shoulder and "didn't" know who the Greatest President in American history was.
Actaully, no one did "this" year, but I like that line, so I put it in whenever I write or talk about Abraham Lincoln:)
Wow, I was surprised, as Obviously it was Abraham Lincoln. There follows two links to show anyone who cares how great he was!
The first is to the "Lincoln Institute Presents Abraham Lincoln's Classroom" which has days and days of material for a Lincoln fair weather friend or a true fanatic.
The second link is to a website that has a great deal of information about the Lincoln Museum in Springfield, Illinois, and their preparations for his 200th birthday next year!!Happy 200th Birthday, Mr. President!!
Your Number 1 fan!!

abraham lincoln classroom

abraham lincoln museum

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