Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hillary Calls Out Obama On Misleading Mailers

Hillary is getting tough with Barack Obama, as Tuesday draws near, and the "must" win states Texas, and Ohio are up for grabs.

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Saturday that a pair of mailings sent to voters by rival Barack Obama's campaign criticizing her health care plan and trade views are false, misleading and a betrayal of his pledge to practice a new style of politics

"Shame on you, Barack Obama. It is time you ran a campaign consistent with your messages in public, that's what I expect from you," Clinton said angrily, waving the mailings in the air. "Meet me in Ohio, and let's have a debate about your tactics," she added.

But the New York senator saved her toughest words for Obama's mailings, saying she refused to see the campaign "polluted" by such tactics. "Enough about the speeches, and the big rallies, and then using tactics right out of (former Bush political adviser) Karl Rove's playbook. This is wrong and every Democrat should be outraged," Clinton said.

Clinton's advisers have repeatedly criticized the Obama campaign's health care mailing, which says her plan for universal coverage would "force" everyone to purchase insurance even if they can't afford it. Her plan requires everyone to be covered, but it offers tax credits and other subsidies to make insurance more affordable.

I think Hillary may have waited too long to bring out her big guns, but she is a Clinton, and they have a way of "winning" elections! This week looks to be one of "fighting" words, and we the spectators get to enjoy the "show"!!


1 comment:

zane said...

The Clintons will not win this one. Nor will Obama. The oval office is going to John McCain!