Saturday, February 16, 2008

Is Iraq Safer Than Washington D.C.

I just received a call from a friend, and he said that he sent me an email, which had been forwarded to him by his father. The email concerns the deaths by firearms among our soldiers in Iraq, and compares it to the same type of deaths by citizens of Washington D.C.:

Fw: Statistics
Regardless of where you stand on the issue of the U.S. involvement in Iraq , here's a sobering statistic:

There has been a monthly average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theatre of operations during the last 22 months, and a total of

2,112 deaths. That gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000 soldiers.

The firearm death rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000 persons for the same period.

That means that you are about 25% more likely to be shot and killed in the U.S. Capital than you are in Iraq .

Conclusion: The U.S. should pull out of Washington.

I wanted to see what I could find on this so I went to the Yahoo search, and typed in exactly the following (statistics comparing death rates by guns in iraq and washington d.c.) and what you will find will be the link I provided, in addition there are others including "the" which makes just the opposite comparison, etc.,. This is not a statement, or an indictment, just more information for you to mull over, as you think about Iraq, and what statistics mean, and how they are used to influence you!! Thanks!!



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