Saturday, August 11, 2007

Border Enforcement Is WORKING

Could it be that our politicians have been disingenuous with us on one of the most important issues facing this country. I refer to illegal immigration and the fact that from President Bush to Senator's McCain, Reid, Kennedy, et al, there assertion that nothing could be done to stop the influx of illegals and therefore we should give them amnesty, is being shown to be wrong. As you can see from the following story being reported today, that with stepped up enforcement of CURRENT Laws, and strict policing of the border, the number of illegals entering the country is dropping.

The politicians were having too much fun playing politics with this important issue and I hope it comes back to bite them in the next election. We will remind people from time to time where each of the major Senators and Congressmen stood on this issue and perhaps we can force them from office. First to go should be Senator's McCain and Reid. Senator McCain for calling everyone a racist who wasn't for his bill and his whining as it went down to defeat, and Senator Reid for thinking it would be a bonanza for the Democratic party as they would mostly chooset their party affiliation. Also we need to vote out Speaker of the House Pelosi for the same sorry reason, in addition to the active support of the al-Qaeda party by her and Reid. Obviously, Senator Kennedy is safe as they don't actually vote anymore, they merely coronate him as Senator for life in Massachussett's. There are other's that we will write about throughout the run up to the elections, in particular those" who voted against, before they voted for it" crowd.

The story begins at the Mexican shelters, usually the last stop for northbound migrants, are filling with southbound deportees. Fewer migrants are crossing in the wind-swept deserts along an increasingly fortified border. Far to the north, fields are empty at harvest time as workplace raids become more common.


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