Saturday, September 22, 2007

Blackwater Mercs In Trouble

After another series of computer problems I am able to do some modest posting and am hoping my Acer is back by week's end.

There is so much going on in the news, from O.J. to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's upcoming speaking engagement at Columbia University, that it is tough to be missing out on so much commenting.

In a very distrubing story that is unfolding over the latter part of this week , it seems that our "Hessians" have attacked civilians unprovoked. It also seems that we haev paid this company over $800 millions dollars for a mission that should be done by our own troops, or not done at all.

Iraqi investigators have a videotape that shows Blackwater USA guards opened fire against civilians without provocation in a shooting last week that left 11 people dead, a senior Iraqi official said Saturday. He said the case was referred to the Iraqi judiciary. Iraq's president, meanwhile, demanded that the Americans release an Iranian arrested this week on suspicion of smuggling weapons to Shiite militias. The demand adds new strains to U.S.-Iraqi relations only days before a meeting between President Bush and Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.

There needs to be a thorough "Real" investigation and prosecution if the story is true, and we need to stop outsourcing this war. Either "We" should be fighting it or we need to find another way.

I have an idea which I will flesh out more this week...I may have found a way to solve our troop problems as well as our illegal immigration crisis!!


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