Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Blackwater Must Leave Iraq

There is a story indicating that the Iraqi government still wants Blackwater removed from their country.

The Iraqi government remains determined to expel the Blackwater USA security company and is searching for legal remedies to overturn an American-imposed decree that exempts all foreign bodyguards from prosecution under local laws, officials said Wednesday.Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's government accepted the findings of an Iraqi investigative committee that determined Blackwater guards, without provocation, killed 17 Iraqis last month in Nisoor Square in western Baghdad. Iraqi investigators declared that Blackwater should be expelled and $8 million should be paid as compensation for each victim.

I mentioned before that if President Bush wants to show that he actually meant for Iraq to be a democracy, then he would abide by their request (demands) and get these mercenary butchers out of their country. If they refuse to leave by legal means, I believe the Iraqi government should take the obvious step that any sovereign nation would and use their brand new military to force them our of their country or kill all of them. That is my advice to al-Maliki. He has been more than respectful to our President and has gotten nothing but the middle finger for long enough on these mercenaries, and needs to force this issue with violence, as diplomacy has gotten him nowhere. Personally, I hope Blackwater puts up a fight, so they can put these creeps down for good, and we won't have these loose cannons back in this country shooting up neighbors and such!


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