Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Barry Bonds Hits 756*

Tonight baseball took one more step toward irrelevancy as Barry "did I use steroids" Bonds hit homerun number 756, to surpass Hank Aaron's record. Barry Bonds may have surpassed Mr. Aaron's homerun record, but isn't even in the same league, in class. Hank Aaron the consummate gentleman even congratulated this "pretender to the throne" after he hit the homerun. I for one am ashamed of baseball and will seriously consider never watching or paying attention to another baseball game as long as I live.

it is shameful for "enhanced" players to beat records and bask in glory, when the real record holders attained their records as mere mortals. I know Barry Bonds deserves the benefit of the doubt, but when all of the people that have already plead guilty, say that he used steroids, it should be apparent that something really does "smells in Denmark".+

As a kid I grew up a huge Yankees fan as I lived in Estherville, Iowa, and everyone I knew was a Minnesota Twins fan, and the New York Yankees were HATED, so obviously being the devil's advocate that I was at even that young age, chose the Yankees, and was so proud to know that even the famed artist for the Des Moines Register, Frank Miller, was a Yankees fan, and he did several of the "It's not a Real World Series without the Yankees" cartoons. I met him once at the Estherville High School, when he came to give a talk and it was a thrill to meet not only a great cartoonist/artist, but a unabashed Yankee fan. Anyway, I was angry for awhile when the upstart Hank Aaron beat my hero, Babe Ruth's record, and I had snuck a radio into school, hoping that he would not make it. But to be honest, after he beat the record he was so humble that i saw what a truly Good man he was, and my anger at having my hero knocked down, was replaced by the knowledge that a better player had broken the record. That is NOT the case with Barry Bonds. Mr. Bonds is a disgrace to baseball merely, because he chooses to not help the Commisioner and others to know what really happened in regard to the steroid issue, and for me, his silence is testimony enough! I do not believe that the 5th amendment was meant as a "get out of trouble" card, and that is how it has been twisted by "scumbag" lawyers and their clients.

Mr. Hank Aaron, and Mr. Babe Ruth were titans of America's past-time and Mr. Barry Bonds is its' ruination and end!!

The actual story says that Barry Bonds hit No. 756 to the deepest part of the ballpark Tuesday night, and hammered home the point: Like him or not, legitimate or not, he is baseball's new home run king.


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