Saturday, August 04, 2007

Obama/Tancredo Ticket

I was just reading the story of the uproar over Senator Barack Obama's statement that he would bomb northern Pakistan if he is the next President.

Pakistani officials called Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama irresponsible for saying that, if elected, he might order unilateral military strikes in Pakistan against al-Qaida.

I also read where Senator Tom Tancredo, a Republican presidential hopeful, said that we should threaten to bomb the two Holiest Islamic sites, of Mecca and Medina, if terrorists hit our country with nuclear weapons.

Hold on, I am getting the glimmer of an ideal ticket for those who want to reach across party lines and get the votes of the "bomb them now" crowd. How about an Obama/Tancredo ticket!

There just might be a very quiet majority of voters who would like to bomb all of our enemies, and it would eliminate the need for a diplomatic corps, if we use bombing as our sole negotiating tool.

But serously, how did all the talking of bombing, become the main talking point in such a short period of time, I thought Obama was all about health care, tax policies that affect everyday citzens, helping people on welfare, etc., and now he's going to bomb everyone? What do liberals think of this new Obama? And as for Tom Tancredo, I thought his one note issue was immigration, but I guess beings he won on that issue, he needed something else to talk about.

The stories just seem get more and more weird as this long campaign process rolls on.

Have a Great Weekend!!


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