Friday, August 03, 2007

Bourne Is Best Of The Threequels?

I was just reading a review of the Bourne Ultimatum, and it says that it is the best of the series, and I think they have all been good, so this one should be quite a ride.

All along, they've been calling this the summer of threes — you know how "they" can be, putting things into tidy little boxes. And they focused mainly on the ballyhooed blockbusters that came out at the beginning of the summer: third installments in the "Spider-Man," "Shrek" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchises.

I usually do not go to movie theatres, because they are not convenient. You know if you want something or have to use the restroom, they do not stop the movie for you, and as I get older I seem to go more often. But for this film I am going to make an exception and will help move the film to the top of the heap.

I hope it makes so much money that they "have" to make a 4th and perhaps a 5th film about Jason Bourne, the amnesiac assassin, who is an interesting character. There is the usual car chases, fist fights, and spy vs. spy stuff, but it is kind of like ice cream, I do not have it that often, and when I do it is a special treat, like these types of movies.

This series has been very cool, because the movies have been just as good as the books, which is rare. I like books and have found that usually when they turn it into a film, it is usually disappointing, but the Bourne series has been great in book and film form. Thanks to Matt Damon, and the rest of the cast and crew for doing such a Great job, and taking us on a wild ride.

Anyway, have a great weekend and may you enjoy your "special" treats, whatever they may be, as well.


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