Friday, August 17, 2007

More Tragedy At Utah Mine

It has been another tragic day at the Utah mine, where rescuers were killed as another "bump" caused part of the tunnel to collapse. This is just one more in a series of set backs for the people trying to find the 6 missing miners from a week and a half ago.

The search for six miners missing deep underground was abruptly halted after a second cave-in killed three rescue workers and injured at least six others who were trying to tunnel through rubble to reach them.

It would seem that the only safe thing to do is to keep drilling smaller holes from the top and try and find them that way and not send anymore men into the mine to try and dig through, as the mountain continues to settle. The mine is taking a terrible toll on everyone involved and more loss of life is not needed. They tried valiantly to find the missing miners, but now more families are destroyed due to their efforts and new losses. It is a very sad day for these Utah miners and their families and our prayers go out to them.


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