Friday, August 31, 2007

WWE Suspends 10 Wrestlers For Possible Steroid Or Drug Use

In a story which I am sure surprises all of you, as much as it did me, World Wrestling Entertainment has suspended 10 of its wrestlers for violations of a policy that tests for steroids and other drugs, the company said Thursday. Stamford-based WWE says it issued suspension notices based on independent information from the prosecutor's office in Albany County, N.Y., which has been investigating illegal steroid sales.

The WWE instituted a wellness policy, last year that requires tests for steroids and other drugs, a wrestler faces a 30-day suspension without pay for a first violation, a 60-day suspension for a second violation and firing for a third violation. Performers are tested at least four times per year.

My question to Mr. Mcmahon would be, who isn't using steroids, or other performance enhancers in wrestling, including yourself? These guys are like junior Hulks, and they got that way normally? I am very skeptical, but will wait and see how this story plays out.

At least this "sport" is taking some actionable steps to get a grip on this issue, which sadly for America's pasttime, baseball does not seem the case. They have had their probes, but it seems like they are not that serious about addressing and stopping their use. Congressional critics, who have subpoenaed McGwire, Sosa and five other stars to testify in Thursday's House committee hearing on steroid use in the game, aren't convinced the sport's leaders have done enough to clean up the game. They point to a testing policy that was instituted before the 2003 season and revised each year since and still doesn't measure up to the standards set long ago by other sports.

Anyway perhaps this new development in an entertainment "sport", will cause baseball to refocus its' emphasis on cleaning up their "entertainment" sport. These individuals need to be honestly told that is alright to just play the sports as humans, and stop destroying themselves, their families and ultimately their sports, in the process of trying to be "superhuman".


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