Monday, January 28, 2008

Legos Turn 50

Here is a neat little celebration story for kids and adults (with kid instincts) as Legos are honored. Lego's colourful bricks that have inspired kids' imaginations worldwide celebrated their 50th anniversary Monday after resisting fierce competition from high-tech computer games that nearly brought the company down a few years ago.

On January 28, 1958, Godtfred Kirk Christiansen submitted a patent for the interlocking and studded plastic brick that can now be found in almost every child's toy box. The simple building block has become one of the most well-known and popular toys in the world.

If you every have the opportunity to visit the Mall of America in Minneapolis, Minnesota, there is a multi-leveled Lego World in the food court. So here is wishing Legos a Happy 50th Anniversary, and hope you'll be around for another 50 years, making children, and adults happy!!

Do you still play with Legos, even if only to play with the "kids" and if so, what is the coolest thing you have built with them? Thanks!!


Led Zeppelin Threatens Earth

I have written about this band before when they "threatened" to "terrorize the world by playing their "three" songs (one good one "Stairway to Heaven"and two other ones that are not Stairway to Heaven). Purportedly they actually have more than three songs, but I have not been able to verify that "rumor". Then today I see a story indicating that they are threatening to not only terrorize a small group this time, but are planning a world tour. I am praying that our Black Op's people can stop them before they play again, but I have heard that their are "people" who actually enjoy their "music". I am actually from their era, but would rather be "waterboarded" indefinitely than listen to their "noise" or even be aware that their "noise" is being played live anywhere in the world!!

Where will this Terror Hit The Earth, and will it cause more damage than the "dead" spy satellite, and are they being sent by the Iranian Terrorist Regime, that knocked the satellite out of orbit??

Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page threatened us Monday by saying he was ready to take the iconic band on a world tour after burning up the stage at last month's reunion concert in London. But it probably won't be before September.

"The amount of work we put into O2 was what you would normally put into a world tour anyway," Page, 64, said of the intense rehearsing the band did for the Dec. 10 concert at London's O2 Arena.

This is a last ditch appeal to anyone out there who can stop this obvious "Iranian" plot to Terrorize the World, and I plead with President Bush to stop this madness before it starts. To any Led Zeppelin fans I may have offended, I plead with you to up your Prozac dosage and join us in the real world to listen to some real music, i.e., Disturbed, System of a Down,Papa Roach,Nickelback,Finger Eleven,Serg Tankian,Audioslave,Saliva,Freak Label,30 Seconds to Mars,Vixen,Lita Ford,Aly & AJ,Rhianna.....anything but Led Zeppelin!! ;) Dear God, just drill a hole in my head, and pour in some muriatic acid to take away the pain!! Thanks !!


MySpace Friend Asks How Does One Believe In God?

I am writing this post to assist and friend of mine on MySpace. My friend, Paris Love,Ex-Stripper, wrote a post asking people to help her know "How to believe in God", and while she has received some answers, I thought perhaps some of you who "do believe in God" might be able to go to her site, enter the post "How does one believe in God" and share you experiences with her.

People who have known me for a while have probably heard me pose this question before. I don't mean to denigrate anyone's faith or lack there of. I merely want to know what is missing in my psyche that others have. The ability to believe in God.

(If it isn't obvious) I am atheist. I have been my entire life. I used to call myself protestant when I was younger, but that is more like a kid saying he/she is a republican. I didn't really know what it meant to be a protestant. I was just repeating what my parents taught me to say.

Thanks for any help you can give this young lady in "knowing" God!! Have A Great Day!! It is 48 degrees and sunny in Iowa City, Iowa, which makes it almost a "spring" day for us!! :)


Spy Satellite Threatens Earth

How many of you remember when Skylab fell back to Earth and scattered remains across Australia, and the Pacific Ocean? Well in a story I am intrigued about it seems we shall have a spy satellite coming home "uncontrolled" in the very near future.
The story reads:
A large U.S. spy satellite has lost power and could hit the Earth in late February or early March, government officials said Saturday.

The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it might come down, they said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information is classified as secret. It was not clear how long ago the satellite lost power, or under what circumstances.

As it gets closer to the date, we can do an update, and please write me with your guess as to where it will hit, and the winner will receive a prize, perhaps a print of a falling satellite. I will think more on that, and let you know!! Thanks!


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Obama Wins Big

I was just reading the many stories concerning the huge win by Senator Barack Obama, over Hillary Clinton, and John Edwards. Obama supporters are obviously excited, and many would think that Hillary would be down, but this was the strategy she and Bill employed in South Carolina. The win was bigger than expected, but their ability to make him the "black" candidate will hurt him in later contests, if that is how he is now perceived.

There was only way to describe Barack Obama's victory over Hillary Clinton and John Edwards in South Carolina: It was a rout. "After four great contests in every corner of this country, we have the most votes, the most delegates, and the most diverse coalition of Americans that we've seen in a long, long time," Obama declared at his victory celebration in Columbia. "There are young and old; rich and poor. They are black and white; Latino and Asian and Native American. They are Democrats from Des Moines and Independents from Concord, and yes, some Republicans from rural Nevada and we've got young people from all across this country who've never had a reason to participate until now."

I did hear this morning that Caroline "Kennedy" has given her endorsement to Obama, and said the he reminded him of her Father. That is awesome for Obama, and may have resonance with many undecided voters who admired her Father. Senator Edward Kennedy may also endorse Obama, but his endorsement, and his calls to end the divisive campaign may not be heard, as he ran a very divisive campaign himself in 1980, against a sitting President (Jimmy Carter), to the ultimate detriment of the party, though he did give a rousing speech at the Democratic convention that year, that was called "his best ever"!

Super Tuesday looms just 9 days away, and the build up should be extremely exciting for both parties, and for all of us. Congratulations to Senator Obama on his win, and to all the voters who participated on all sides!!


Saturday, January 26, 2008

This Twilight Gardens Animal Rights Post

Earlier today I asked you to visit a MySpace Friends blog and post for a Big Laugh, and I hope you got to go there and enjoyed it. However, after I read that post I went to another MySpace Friends blog and read her very passionate post concerning animal rights and her many bulletins. If you click on her name "this twilight garden" it will take you to her homepage, and you can see that she has done many excellent posts on animal cruelty and abuse, and how we need to respect animals, who have feelings, similar to ours.

Her post of today begins with: But It is my passion and my cause. I'm borderline zealot when it comes to animals- They often have more humanity in them than some humans....

I realize my many bulletins might get on some people's nerves- I apologize, however, that won't deter me from posting these bulletins in hopes that they will educate people on the horrors of animal cruelty.

Please stop by and pay her a visit and experience her vision!! Thank You!!


For Fun Please Visit Ronnie aka Phoenix Princess Blog And View Pictures Of Idiots In Action

I just finished visting a MySpace Friends Blog, Ronnie aka Phoenix Princess, and she has the Absolute Funniest Photo, that I have seen in a long time. If you want to laugh at a few idiots in action, go to her blog and the post is titled "pictures of idiots in action", please follow the link and prepare to Laugh Your Butt Off at True Stupidity after you click on view more!!

LOL FUNNY~~HONEST!! And not Politician Honest, but Real World Honest!!


Update On $7 Billion Fraud

There is an update on the story of the rogue trader who cost France's Societe Generale bank more than $7 billion by making bad stock market bets was taken into custody on Saturday for questioning, judicial officials said.

Financial police in Paris were to question Jerome Kerviel as part of a probe into Societe Generale's announcement Thursday that the 31-year-old trader had put tens of billions of dollars at risk in one of history's biggest frauds, judicial officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation is ongoing.

As more information becomes available we will update again. Thanks and have a Great Weekend, as we are expecting highs in the 20's and 30's~~Heat Wave In Iowa, So Please Get Out, Be Patriotic, and Spend Some Money!!


Friday, January 25, 2008

Three Leading Democratic Candidates Support Death Penalty

I am not sure how many of you knew this, because I did not, but I found a story on a website called AlterNet, that says that all three of the Democratic candidates are pro-Death Penalty. This surprised me, as I thought that most Democrats were opposed to the Death Penalty. This story and their positions may surprise you as well. I hope you enjoy this interesting story.

"Opposing the death penalty used to distinguish Democrats from Republicans. Now, across party lines, death is just another day at the office."

It's not news that African-Americans are disproportionately represented on death row. While 12 percent of the country is African-American, more than 40 percent of the country's death row population is black -- and although blacks and whites are murder victims in nearly equal numbers, 80 percent of the prisoners executed since the death penalty was reinstated were convicted for murders in which the victim was white. Study upon study in states across the country have discovered racial bias at every stage of the death penalty process, including one that found that the more "stereotypically black" a defendant is perceived to be, the more likely that person is to be sentenced to death. Add to that the fact that over 20 percent of black defendants who have been executed were convicted by all-white juries, and the racial reality of the death penalty becomes impossible to ignore.

Follow the link and the three page story fleshes out their stands, and how support for the death penalty has become common among Democratic candidates. It is quite fascinating! Have a Good Friday!!

death penalty

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Did $7 Billion Fraud Begin Mondays World Market Rout

In a story I was just reading there is the strong possibility that Frances' Societe Generale's shock disclosure of a fraud that lost it $7 billion has left investors wondering about a link between the fiasco and Monday's European stock market rout. The sharp fall, which was followed by an emergency U.S. rate cut, came as SocGen tried to close out positions built up by one of its traders.

SocGen, France's second biggest bank, said on Thursday that it had been the victim of a massive and "exceptional" fraud by a junior trader resulting in losses of 4.9 billion euros, and announced a large capital increase.

There needs to be an immediate investigation into this matter, and measures put into place to avoid another such event, as it would seem that this is the second time in less than a year, that this has happened!


Recession Proof Jobs For 2008

This next story is for anyone out there worried about keeping their jobs, if we continue in a economic downturn, and hit a recession.

A steady stream of discouraging economic news is bringing with it talk of the dreaded "R" word. Economists at Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley say the U.S. is heading for its first-blown recession in 16 years, and a recent CNN poll found that 57 percent of the public believe the U.S. is in a recession already, with the economy topping the list of voter's worries.

This list of recession proof jobs are listed in the link below. Good Luck, and I hope your job is listed as a "safe" job during a recession. If not perhaps rethinking your goals and possible retraining would be in order for your future employment "viability"!!


Patriotism Requires Spending By You

Before we get on with the economic story, I would like to extend Congratulations to Barack Obama for wanting the nomination enough to fight back at the Democratic debate the other evening. It may show you as just another politician, but it also shows that you Really want this job, and that's who we should be electing, someone who will fight for who they are, and for what they believe, That is the only way to Change America. That was true of John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, they all fought to get in and "change" government in their image. The fight shall go on, and we will see who wants it bad enough to Take It!! Next South Carolina for the Dems, and Florida for the Repubs, please give us a good contest!! Thank You!!

Now In what appears to be a rare show of unity, the Democratic and Republican congressional leaders reached a tentative deal Thursday on tax rebates of $300 to $1,200 per household and business tax cuts to jolt the slumping economy.

Congressional officials close to the negotiations said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Republican Leader John Boehner of Ohio reached agreement in principle in a telephone call Thursday morning.

Now I was hoping for the $800 to rent me, or the $1,000,000.00 to buy my vote, but I guess we will have to settle for what we can get. Please remember to take that money and spend it immediately on something retail, whether it be clothes or Art Prints :), and help save our economy, it is the patriotic thing to do, and both parties want you to be very patriotic!!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Fighting Pneumonia And It Wins A Round

I just wanted to apologize for not posting these past two days. I have been working open to close everyday (10am - 9pm) at the mall, and I have been fighting Bronchial Pneumonia for the last two weeks. Sunday evening after work, it finally caught up to me, and I collapsed. My Super Girlfriend made emergency arrangements for past and current employees to cover the Art Kiosk, including having the owner come over for two half days, and put me to bed, where I rested(died) until this afternoon. Obviously, two days is not enough to get better, but it is enough to give me a little strength back, and make some progress toward getting better. Take Care and Have A Great Day!!

**Wasn't the dust up between Hillary and Obama in the debate Awesome?!!! :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

McCain And Clinton Ready For Battles

In what was surely a sad day for the Republican yesterday, Senator John "Manchurian" McCain,(former Vietnam P.O.W. & collaborator), won the South Carolina primary, leading to him being in a position of leading the Republican pack as they get ready for Florida. Seantor Hillary Clinton huge win in Nevada, has strengthened her momentum as she heads for a showdown with Barack Hussein Obama, in next Saturday's South Carolina primary.

Republican John McCain and Democrat Hillary Clinton looked on Sunday toward the next battles in an unpredictable White House race after scoring tough wins in the first major presidential voting in the U.S. South and West.

McCain narrowly defeated rival Mike Huckabee on Saturday in South Carolina -- a state where McCain's presidential hopes were destroyed in a bitter 2000 battle that set George W. Bush on a path to the White House.

The race is going to be racing faster and faster toward the Super Duper Tuesday contests of February 5th, where the Democratic Nominee, and possibly the Republican Nominee will be decided!! It should be a great week for all of us political "junkies". Thanks and Stay Warm....current Coralville/Iowa City, Iowa temp. is 2 degrees!!:(


Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hillary And Mitt Win Nevada

For all his flash and endorsements, and chicanery, Obama was not able to overcome Hillary's experience. Mitt Romney easily outdid his opponents in Nevada, and is in pretty good shape to keep going.

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton won the Nevada caucuses Saturday, powering past Sen. Barack Obama in a hard-fought race marred by late charges of dirty politics. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney coasted to an easy win in the Republican contest.

The victory marked a second-straight campaign triumph for the former first lady, who scored a New Hampshire primary upset last week and is locked in an historic, increasingly tense struggle with Obama.

Sorry for repeating the main elements of the story, but I just am enjoying this political process so much this year...And Now onto to South Carolina, and an exciting primary there as well!!


Democrats Brawling In Nevada

The story I was just reading re-affirms my belief that all of the candidates are the same, and will get down and dirty when needed to secure the nomination of their respective parties.

Forget the coded messages, the oblique attacks, the indirect putdowns. When it came to courting Nevada voters, the Democratic presidential candidates had a brawl.

The week leading to the Nevada caucuses was one of the most contentious in the Democratic contest so far. The three Democratic candidates head to South Carolina, which holds its primary Jan. 26, with no sign the race will turn genteel in the South.

The candidate of "change" Barack Hussein Obama, has shown over this last week that he wants the nomination enough to play rough, and use the "illegal immigration" card to win Nevada, and that makes him just like any other politician. I knew he was a phony right away, but now anyone can see what he is about, and the difference is minimal at best! It should be a great day for "realpoliticking" as the caucus takes place today!! Have a Great Day, and try and stay warm...i.e. it is currently minus 2, here in Coralville, Iowa!


Friday, January 18, 2008

Black Voters See Generation Gap And A Question On Assassination

As the story below illustrates, there is a growing divide between the black's who gained their civil rights, and the youth who are able to enjoy those hard won rights, with less of a struggle.

When civil rights elders signed on to support Hillary Rodham Clinton's run for president, it was seen as a coup in the competition for the black vote, especially in the Deep South.

Yet many younger black voters seem to be shrugging off the sway of leaders such as Rep. John Lewis and former Atlanta Mayor Andrew Young, siding instead with Barack Obama's history-making bid to be the nation's first black president.

There will continue to be a fight over race, and over these very important voters to the Democratic Party. I have also wondered from the start, what the effect of a "black" winning the nomination, and possibly the Presidency on this nation. Here is the question, What are the odds of a Black President surviving his first 90 days in office. I know the candidate must think about the fact that there are still people in our nation, who are so racist and/or sexist, that they would attempt to kill, the first black, the first woman, the first Jewish, the first (fill in the blank) President! I am sure many of you have also thought about this, but in this election, there is the very real possibility that this will occur, and we will have a black, a woman, or perhaps both as :President and Vice-President. Will the Secret Service be ready for the threats, as these will be single source, and probably more organized attempts on our President's life then anytime in our history!

I do not wish ill on anyone, but these concerns have been with me for quite awhile, and I wonder how you feel about this subject, and hope you will voice your opinions. Thank you, and Have A Great Weekend!


Will Bush Plan Forestall Recession

There is a story I was just reading about whether or not the proposed Bush stimulus package will forestall a recession.

President Bush, acknowledging the risk of recession, embraced about $145 billion worth of tax relief Friday to give the sagging economy a "shot in the arm. "

Bush said such a growth package must also include tax incentives for business investment and quick tax relief for individuals. And he said that to be effective, an economic stimulus package would need to roughly represent 1 percent of the gross domestic product, the value of all U.S. goods and services and the best measure of the country's economic standing.

I am sure that most of us are hoping to avoid a recession, but I wonder if all of us are on the same page. I am sure there are some Democrats(not All) who are hoping the economy will tank, so it will once again be an election about "pocket book" issues, remember "it's the economy, stupid" that brought Bill Clinton to office; and the war, rather than on who is the better candidate for this country. We shall see if this works, and working in retail, I have seen the downturn, and hope for a vibrant economy by Spring!!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Please Check Out Two Fine Posts

I subscribe to, and read many blogs on MySpace, Iowa Press,blogspot,blogger,soulcast, and others, and have found a lot of good stuff, along with the bad that is out there. Today I would like to recommend two blogs to you, and hope you like the content enough to go back often.

The first is a MySpace friend, that I have recommended before. It is Paris Love, Ex-Stripper, and her blog Stripped Bare, and her post today titled "A Day In The Life Of Joe Conservative" under the post an oldie but a goodie, and it has an interesting take on what America would be like without liberals. I am pretty Conservative, so I had to read this post, and it made me think alot while I was reading it, as well as after I finished. I hope you read it and see what it does for you!!


My second recommendation, is also a MySpace friend, who I have recommended before, and who writes poetic tomes on the issues and news of the day. His name is Mark Lysgaard, and he IS liberal, but also very telling, and often quite funny. He also has a book of his poetic posts that was just published and is available directly through his blog. His poetic post today was titled "Kucinich Gambles WIth Nevada Judge" and was about Dennis Kucinich not being allowed to debate with the other Democratic contenders this last weekend. Mark makes very good points as usual, and if you have a taste for politics and poetry, you will become a regular reader, whether you agree with him or not!!


Thanks for checking out these two fine bloggers, and have a great Friday!!

Rift Between General And Secretary Of Defense

There is a story of a rift between General Petraeus, and Defense Secretary Gates over the drawdown of troops, that was expected to occur this year.

President Bush has declared that the planned troop drawdown in Iraq is "on track," but within the Defense Department, signs of disagreement are emerging over how much further US forces can be cut later this year. At issue is how much of a drawdown is possible after the expected departure of five combat brigades from Iraq this summer.

Mr. Bush, who is in his last year in office, and Army Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, appear to be in no rush to reduce the number of troops any further. This is in the hope of ensuring that the improved security environment in Iraq stays that way. But some in the Defense Department, quietly led by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, say that while the security gains in Iraq are to be carefully guarded, there is only so much the troops can do.

I had split with supporters of the war, last July/August after the Iraqi government took a vacation for all of August, as our troops were fighting and dying for them. I support the troops, and believe that during this surge there has been significant military gains, but the governmental situation is still far from where it needs to be for us to leave safely, and to leave Iraq intact. Until the Iraqi's decide to take control of the country, we are just biding time, and our troops, and their civilians will continue to die for nothing!!


Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Former Congressman Charged With Aiding Terrorists Through Relief Agency

I was just reading a story on Yahoo News, that a former congressman and delegate to the United Nations was indicted Wednesday as part of a terrorist fundraising ring that allegedly sent more than $130,000 to an al-Qaida and Taliban supporter who has threatened U.S. and international troops in Afghanistan.

Mark Deli Siljander, a Michigan Republican when he was in the House, was charged with money laundering, conspiracy and obstructing justice for allegedly lying about lobbying senators on behalf of an Islamic charity that authorities said was secretly sending funds to terrorists.

The organization that is being investigated for wrongdoing, in addition to the former congressman, is called the Islamic American Relief Agency, and I have included a wikipedia link as the second link, if you wish to see what others say about the agency. According to wikipedia, it does a lot of good, in addition to the "nefarious" things that they are being accused of. I shall try and find out some more about this agency,as it seems that a lot of "good" intentioned agencies are also used for less than pristine purposes! And additionally we shall watch as this case meanders through the legal system, with occasional updates, as they are warranted!!

former congressman



There is a cool little story that I was just reading and would like to share, concerning anti-matter, and that it does matter (pun intended).

Antimatter, which annihilates matter upon contact, seems to be rare in the universe. Still, for decades, scientists had clues that a vast cloud of antimatter lurked in space, but they did not know where it came from.

The mysterious source of this antimatter has now been discovered, stars getting ripped apart by neutron stars and black holes. While antimatter propulsion systems are so far the stuff of science fiction, antimatter is very real.

So I hope you liked this little aside story, in particular if you have followed science fiction, from Star Trek, to Star Wars, and knew that there was "some" science" behind what they used to move around the universe.


Whether you are pro-matter or anti-matter, this is one area, and one issue, were togetherness would be a very "bad" thing!! :)

Candidates In Virtual Tie

In an interesting story that I have just finished reading, it would seem that even with Mitt winning Michigan, and Hillary winning Michigan, that their rivals are tied or ahead of them.

Barack Obama has erased a once substantial deficit to climb into a virtual tie with Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential race, according to a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday.

Among Republicans, John McCain charged to the front of a shifting presidential field, shooting past Mike Huckabee and a fading Rudy Giuliani as the opening contests of the 2008 White House campaign dramatically reshaped the races in both parties.

This turn of events has made what seemed like a virtual lock on the nominations for Mitt Romney, and Hillary Clinton, have taken all guarantees off the table, once the first votes were cast. It is one of the most fascinating things about our electoral system. Just ask Howard Dean, and others who thought they had the nomination before a single vote was cast! For political junkies, like myself we revel in the process and the surprises that come with it! Have A Great Day? Sounds like snow is one the way for us this afternoon and overnight!!:(


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Taliban Threatens Westerners

I was just reading a story is which a Taliban spokesman warned Tuesday that militants would increase attacks against restaurants in Kabul frequented by Westerners, a day after eight people died in a brazen assault on a luxury hotel in the Afghan capital.

Afghan officials said they had arrested four men following Monday's assault on the Serena Hotel a heavily guarded and high-profile property frequented by Western workers and officials. Among those detained was one of the attackers disguised in a police uniform.

It would seem that the situation in Afghanistan, which was already worsening, is entering an even more violent stage for non-combatant Westerners, as evidenced by the bombing yesterday! This is the country that we should be surging in, as this is where the 9/11 attackers learned their trade, and where threats to hit us are still coming from!


Monday, January 14, 2008

MySpace To Stop Protecting Sexual Predators

In a story I was just reading it would seem that MySpace is going to stop protecting sexual predators, and it is about time!

Under mounting pressure from law enforcement and parents, MySpace agreed Monday to take steps to protect youngsters from online sexual predators and bullies, including searching for ways to better verify users' ages.

The hugely popular online hangout will create a task force of industry professionals to watch over its operations, and other social-networking sites will be invited to participate.

The deal comes as sites such as MySpace and Facebook have grown exponentially in recent years, with teenagers making up a large part of their membership. This has created a new venue for sexual predators who lie about their age to lure young victims and for cyber bullies who send threatening and anonymous messages.

There should be no place where sexual predators can operate anylonger, and all citizens should do what we can to identify, ostracize and incarcerate these sub-humans!!


Sherpas Honor Sir Edmund Hillary

I was just reading the story about Nepal's Sherpa community holding a prayer service in Katmandu on Monday for Sir Edmund Hillary, who conquered Mount Everest and helped thousands of Sherpas living in its foothills by building schools and hospitals.

Monks chanted religious verses as mourners draped a khada, a sacred scarf used only in special Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies, over a photograph of Hillary and placed flowers around it. They lit incense and butter-fed lamps in the ceremony at the Boudha, an important Buddhist temple in Nepal's capital, Katmandu.

Sir Edmund Hillary, The legendary New Zealander, who was the first person to climb to the top of Mt Everest, had died in an Auckland hospital on Friday at age 88, of a heart attack!

The New Zealand government will likely hold a state funeral on Jan. 22 for mountaineering legend Sir Edmund Hillary, Prime Minister Helen Clark said last Saturday. Clark made the announcement after a two-hour meeting with the adventurer's widow, Lady June Hillary. The two women embraced as they greeted one another outside Lady Hillary's house in the Auckland, New Zealand, suburb of Remuera.

Clark later emerged to say there were plans to hold the funeral at Auckland's St. Mary's Church, but first Hillary's body would lie in state at nearby Holy Trinity Cathedral. Edmund Hillary's son Peter, who is understood to be in Europe, was not due in New Zealand until next week, which was one of the reasons for the timing of the funeral, Clark said.

He became the first person, along with Nepalese mountain guide Tenzing Norgay, to reach the summit of Mount Everest, the world's highest peak, accomplishing the feat on May 29, 1953. After the climb, Hillary devoted much of his life to supporting the Sherpas, the mountain people of the Himalayas. He raised money for higher education for them and helped set up reforestation programs.

He was an amazing man, and the earth is a darker place for his having left it! Condolences and prayers to his widow, his family and friends!!


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Something Fun To Start The Week

I received an email from a friend who is always sending jokes, funny photos etc., but are usually rated "mature" type material, but the one this morning was pretty tame and somewhat amusing, so I give you a haiku and a few jokes to start out your week. The posts will be more serious later as we have the upcoming Michigan primary, more death and destruction here and abroad to write about, and so much more!!

Workin' on Haikus
No keyboard present
Hit F1 to continue
Zen engineering?

Hal, open the file
Hal, open the darn file, Hal
Open the file, please Hal

Out of memory.
We wish to hold the whole sky,
But we never will.

Having been erased,
The document you're seeking
Must now be retyped.

The ten thousand things
How long do any persist?
Netscape, too, has gone.

Rather than a beep
Or a rude error message,
These words: "File not found."

Serious error.
All shortcuts have disappeared
Screen. Mind. Both are blank.


Harvard Gringo
An American consultant was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village when a small boat with just one fisherman docked. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The American complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them.

The Mexican replied, "Only a little while."

The American then asked, "Why don't you stay out longer and catch more fish?

The Mexican said, "Well, I catch enough to feed my family."

The American then asked, "But what do you do with the rest of your time?"

The Mexican fisherman said, "I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take siesta with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos, I have a full and busy life, senor."

The American scoffed, "I am a Harvard graduate and could help you. You should spend more time fishing and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat with the proceeds from the bigger boat you could buy several boats eventually you would have a fleet of fishing boats. Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery. You would control the product, processing and distribution. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA and eventually NYC where you will run your expanding enterprise."

The Mexican fisherman asked, "But senor, how long will this all take?"

To which the American replied, "15-20 years."

"But what then, senor?"

The American laughed and said, "That's the best part. When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich, you would make millions."

"Millions, senor? Then what?"

The American said, "Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos."


Some New Definitions
lymph (v), to walk with a lisp.

marionettes (n), residents of Washington DC who have been jerked around by the mayor.

negligent (adj), describes a condition where you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightie.

oyster (n), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddish expressions.

gargoyle (n), an olive-flavored mouthwash.

semantics (n), pranks conducted by young men studying for the priesthood, including such things as gluing the pages of the priest's prayer book together just before mass.


What Would Dear Abby Say?
Dear Abby, I joined the Navy to see the world. I've seen it. Now how do I get out?

Dear Abby, My forty-year-old son has been paying a psychiatrist $50 an hour every week for two-and-a-half years. He must be crazy.

Dear Abby, I was married to Bill for three months and I didn't know he drank until one night he came home sober.

Dear Abby, Do you think it would be all right if I gave my doctor a little gift? I tried for years to get pregnant and couldn't and he did it.

Dear Abby, My mother is mean and short-tempered. I think she is going through her mental pause.

Dear Abby, You told some woman whose husband had lost all interest in sex to send him to a doctor. Well, my husband lost all interest in sex years ago and he is a doctor.


If you have any haikus, jokes, or stories, please share them with us, and Have a Very Great Week !! :)


Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another Dan Wants to Ask You A Question

From Dan aka Ronnie aka Phoenix Princess's Husband's Post!!
Dan Writes:

Here's a question, and I would really like to know what you think...

Do you want our government to take care of you?

Take a minute and think about it. Think about what it means to you, and what it means to me, what that means to all of us.
I'll get into my ideas, thoughts, feelings as our discussion progresses.
And I do mean discussion. No name calling, let's be civil (Joe, that means you can't call Ronnie a right wing, religious wacko. Ronnie, you can't call Ex-Stripper a tree-huggin', drum circle chantin', hemp wearin' hippie. J and KC, please play nice. War-Dog, say whatever the hell you want (Semper Fi, borther!)
So, do YOU want our government to take care of you?
(and feel free to pass a link to this around, I would like lot's of opinions)

And My Answer:


I am here through Ronnie's post, and you asked a good question. I agree with most of what has been said by Ronnie, Brian, and Princess Paula, and only wish the Government could take care of what they are supposed too, and leave the rest to We The People, and Leave Us The Hell Alone!!

They should fix the VA, as their troubles go back to the F$$%$$% Reagan Admnistration who screwed over Combat Veterans like my father, and caused their early deaths through neglect, and mis-management of Veteran's resources, and spent us into the Abyss, through to the current administration and Congress that gave us the Bridge to NoWhere and every other spending earmark that will keep us in debt for the next 3000 years. All Congressmen should be tried, sentenced, and executed for treason, the government should then begin again with true citizen politicians who go there for a short time too secure our borders, protect our country, and leave us alone!!

I shall send some more folks your way!!


Please stop by his blog and give him your thoughts. Thank You!!


Please Help Ronnie aka Phoenix Princess Help Princess Paula

I would like to recommend a post, which is actually a repost, from my MySpace Friend, Ronnie aka Phoenix Princess, who is trying to help her friend Princess Paula, help her friend Josh, who is a Washington area musician, and who is trying to win a Fan favorite award in that city.

From Ronnie aka Phoenix Princess's Post:
Princess Paula posted a blog about a friend of hers from DC who is in a music competition. Go check her blog for the info, and vote for Josh, he's quite good. She did post a vid there for you to hear his music. I quite enjoyed it and voted, now I am asking you to do the same!

Please go to Princess Paula's site and post, and there you will find a link to the WAMA fan site, which you click on and then write in J.B. and the WayWard Drifters, and hopefully with you generousity in voting, this deserving musician will be rewarded. Thank You!!

princess paula

O J Is Back In Jail

I was just reading a happy news story this morning, and hope you enjoy it as well.

O.J. Simpson was in jail Saturday, accused of violating terms of his bail in an armed robbery case, after a bondsman told authorities the former football star tried to get him to pass a message to a co-defendant.

Simpson was awaiting a Wednesday court hearing, when prosecutors planned to request that Simpson's bail be revoked and he be kept in jail until trial, set for April.

Any day that we find O.J. going to jail, for any reason, is a good day, and may he live to be very old, and may he rot in jail for all of those many years! May his Karmic Justice be arduous!! "Double Murderer Goes Back To Jail For Bail Violation" = Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy!!

Have A Wonderful Saturday!!


Friday, January 11, 2008

US Navy Fired On Iranians

As we learn more about the incident with the Iranian ships and their encounter with our warships the other day, we find that there are stories of more encounters, and at least one were shots were fired at or near their naval vessels. So the incident occurred nearly a month ago, and this is the first we have heard of it! What's wrong with this picture? The Navies actions are not too transparent are they?

The U.S. Navy said Friday that one of its ships fired warning shots at a small Iranian boat in the Strait of Hormuz in December during one of two serious encounters that month.

The USS Whidbey Island fired the warning shots on Dec. 19 in response to a small Iranian boat that was rapidly approaching it, said a U.S. Navy official.

Now that we know that there have been previously unreported shooting incidents, how long before the Iranians become "provocative enough" to warrant us damaging or sinking, and possibly killing some or all of their crew. It would seem that daily there are indications that something bad is going to occur in those narrow straights, and it will put in jeopardy our men, the oil from the gulf, and possibly the all out war with Iran that Bush and many of his advisors have been aching for these last several months!!

This is a situation to dangerous for us to ignore, and we need to be making sure our lawmakers know how we feel about "another" war, at a time when we can ill afford it! Please call or write your representatives and Senators immediately, and express your opinion about their lackluster peroformance, and their inablility to stop this slide toward another war! Thanks!


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Bush Warns Iran

As President Bush prepares the groudwork for the unprovoked Iranian attack, which he needs to take military action against them early next year, we see him responding to the interaction between our naval vessels and theirs.

President Bush warned Iran of "serious consequences" if it meddles again with U.S. warships in the Persian Gulf, opening a Mideast peacemaking mission Wednesday on an ominous note. He told Israel to dismantle unauthorized settlement outposts and demanded that the Palestinians halt rocket attacks from areas controlled by Hamas Islamic militants.

Bush, on his first visit as president to Israel, acknowledged widespread doubts about whether he can break through decades of distrust to achieve his goal of a major peace agreement by the end of his presidency in January, 2009.

It is only a matter of time, before the unprovoked attack by Iran (our own little Gulf of Tonkin action), military action from us as we respond, and Martial Law and suspension of the elections until the crisis passes.


Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Hillary And McCain Win

I have been unable to get online until now, and I want to Congratulate Hillary Clinton, for kicking some Obama Butt, in New Hampshire, after the media darling did not do as well as the media news outlets wanted him to, and offer my regrets that Manchurian McCain, did so well against Romney.

Led by Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain, candidates fanned out across the country on Wednesday in a U.S. presidential race dramatically reshaped by their comeback wins in New Hampshire.

Clinton, the New York senator and former first lady, defied the polls to narrowly upset Barack Obama in New Hampshire on Tuesday and set up a tough Democratic nominating battle that now heads to South Carolina and Nevada.

Onward to the next contests as we head for the February 5th Super Tuesday and the day that may decide the nominee of both parties. A Wonderful Week of politics! Totally Cool and Fun!!


Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Return Of Carville And Begala?

The polls are not even closed yet in New Hampshire and the "rumors" are already flying that their will be a radical shake up in Hillary's campaign, beginning with the return of two old campaign pro's.

The official denials have been issued, but the buzz all around the Hillary Clinton for president camp is that Jim Carville and Paul Begala, will ride to the rescue of a campaign that is expected to suffer a serious loss in today's New Hampshire primary.

The strategists behind Bill Clinton's 1992 "comeback kid" presidential race will try to forge a comeback for the New York senator in a contest where her "star power" is being eclipsed by Illinois Senator Barack Obama's surging candidacy.

If they are back, is the War Room far behind, (only this time will it be used to destroy Obama, instead of just knocking down charges and allegations against Hillary, as it had to do with Bill, and the "Bimbo Eruptions"-from Jennifer Flowers, on down.)?!! This race is going to get a lot more interesting after tonight, as these "boys" play "down and dirty" politics like no others! Bye, Bye, Barack, You will meet the enemy, and it will be Carville & Begala, and your life will be dissected "like a forensic pathologist autopsying a body"!!

So far it's just rumors, but if it is true this race is going to get real fun, real fast!!


Boy Scout Saves Maldives President

I was just reading the story of a brave young man who will no doubt receive much attention over the next few days.

The story reads: The president of the Maldives was saved from assassination Tuesday when a boy scout grabbed the knife of an attacker who had jumped out of a crowd greeting the leader, an official said.

President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was not hurt, but his shirt was ripped when the attacker tried to stab him before the boy and security guards intervened during the event on the small island of Horafushi, said government spokesman Mohammad Shareef.

A cool little story of a young man doing what most of us would be proud to do, i.e. save another person's life, even cooler that it is a President. How many of you would save the President's life, any President, not just George W. who is not very popular at the moment.Would you step into the situation as this young man did, at personal risk to himself? I would be fascinated to hear why or why you would not do so!! Thanks!


Obama And McCain Win Early Vote

Well the big day is here and Obama and McCain take early leads as Dixville Notch votes and reports their results, as they have since 1960. The fun begins in earnest today.

Sen. Barack Obama won seven of the 10 votes cast for Democrats in the first balloting of the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday in the northern hamlet of Dixville Notch, while Sen. John McCain won the Republican balloting.

Ballots by all 17 registered voters were cast and counted just after midnight on Tuesday in the remote White Mountain town that takes advantage of a state law allowing communities to close polls once voting is over and announce the results.

This will be a make or break contest for some of the candidates, but as Bill Clinton has been reminding people, when he ran he lost the first 5 states, before turning things around, so while it may be an important day, the true shake out will not occur until at least February 5th (Super Duper Tuesday). Hillary "choking up" yesterday may have been contrived, but it did make her a "little" more human, and I guess that is the best that she can do at this late date. Obama and McCain are surging and everyone else is running scared.

Anyway have a great "political" day as we now seeing everything ratcheted up, which is great fun for political "junkies" like myself. I hope you can enjoy our democracy in action as well, whether it be "dirty tricks", mudslinging, it is what we are about, and can be educational and entertaining!! Have A GREAT Day!!


Monday, January 07, 2008

Mexican Boy Stuck On Christmas

There are a lot of children who enjoy the holidays, particularly the Christmas holiday, that they do not wish to return to school, but this next story is of a young boy who didn't want to go back to school so much that he chose a radical way to stay home.

A 10-year-old Mexican boy glued his hand to his bed to avoid going back to school after the Christmas break, authorities said Monday.

"I thought if I was glued to the bed, they couldn't make me go to school," the boy, Diego, told AFP. "I didn't want to go, the holidays were so much fun."

Have you ever been attached to a holiday so much that you would glue yourself to your bed, to avoid going back to school or work, and which one is it for you?!


Is Obama Different?

I had written that Barack Hussein Obama was a socialist, and I came to that conclusion after reading his books, articles attributed to him, and listening to his "progressive/socialist" speeches. While trying to pin this down even more I came across some real Socialists, i.e. through the website, and have found that far from being a "true" socialist, Obama, may be just another DLC corporate candidate wanna be, and may be closer to Bill Clinton, than Karl Marx. I have included a short excerpt from someone who has followed Obama, and the link to the entire story, it may enlighten followers of Obama, as to what he is really about.

ADAM TURL tells about the Barack Obama he’s seen in action for years in Chicago--and reveals the reality behind “Obamamania.”

A YEAR before the first contests of the primaries, the 2008 presidential campaign is already underway, with the major candidates of both parties plunging into the race.

Sen. Hillary Clinton, the pre-ordained frontrunner of the Democratic Party machine, was hogging the media spotlight at the end of January. But Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, trying to turn months of media hype into a full-fledged campaign, is generating hope among many liberals and progressives.

After reading the article, Obama supporters may question the authenticity of his "Change, you can believe in" slogan! As for myself, I am a little less frightened of the prospect of Obama attaining the Presidency, in that he now seems a little more planted in realpoliticks, where our next President needs to live, than in socialist ideology, gleaned from his earlier writings!
Have A Great Monday!!


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Two Debate Recap

There was political sparks in the air last night as ABC held the first ever back to back debates of the two major parties, with the Republicans going first, followed immediately by the Democrats. This was an interesting forum, in that it allowed candidates to talk to each other, which made for a more spirited debate, than the normal canned answer type of debates we have been forced to rely on for most of this season. Hopefully, this will encourage this type of format for the rest of the political season, as we really got to see a little more depth from each person.

Democratic presidential candidates sparred, sometimes intensely, over who among them was the true change agent, while their Republican counterparts held a virtual tea party Saturday night, as both groups held back-to-back debates just days before New Hampshire's Tuesday primary.

New York Sen. Hillary Clinton went on the attack, challenging Illinois Sen. Barack Obama and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards on their records and insisting that her life proves she can achieve change while they just talk about it. They came back at her with equal zeal, double-teaming her at times.

This was a great evening for political junkies, and may we have many more events like this in the next few months. Thank you ABC and the candidates, though they should not have slighted Rep. Kucinich, as he has a loyal following and a message that needs to be heard. Now I do not agree with him, but I found ABC arrogant to "choose" who could and could not participate in this "democratic" debate. Positive Kudos for the format, Negative Kudos for being exclusionary, with a small net positive kudos for giving us another look at most of the candidates and what they believe!


Saturday, January 05, 2008

101 Amazing Earth Facts Quiz

I am sure that most of us are paying attention to the debates taking place on ABC T.V. this evening, with the Republicans first, followed by the Democrats, which is just days before the New Hampshire primary. However, I found this cool trivia/quiz on Yahoo, and thought your minds could have fun with some facts on our Earth, after which we will get back to news and politics.

The First Question is: What is the hottest place on Earth?

Good Luck as many of the questions are difficult!!


Success In Iraqi Kurdistan

I was just reading the story of one of the best examples of success in Iraq, even as "tensions on the border between Iraq and Turkey, the two main US allies in the Muslim world, escalate". In the fall there were frequent cross-frontier clashes between Turkish soldiers and rebels from the Kurdistan Workers' Party, the PKK, based in northern Iraq. This month the Turkish military used helicopters and warplanes against their positions.

Until now the reports from the field were played up by the Turkish side, eager to show that it is being tough on a group that Turkey (and the United States) consider terrorist - and played down by the Kurdish (and Iraqi/US) side, where there is no interest in fueling another conflict in Iraq. But more air raids may change the atmosphere.

Here in Erbil and throughout the Kurdish regional government, this border conflict is largely ignored. Indeed it is easy to forget that Erbil is in Iraq. A different flag is flown here, the defense is assured by the celebrated Peshmerga, or Kurdish freedom fighters, and people speak a different language. The telephone country code is the Iraqi 964 but the mobile phone system, Korek, is limited to northern Iraq, although the company plans to reach Baghdad soon. Only the currency is the same as in Baghdad.

No matter the outcome of the rest of Iraq, we should make sure that the Kurds survive and succeed, as they deserve it more than any other group in that area. They were oppressed and killed at will by Saddam, et al, and yet they have been resilient enough to come back and make their area one of growth and success in the transition of governments. May they have continued success and be a shining example for other peoples' in the region.


Friday, January 04, 2008

Clinton Retools Campaign And More

I am still surprised by the win of Barack Obama ( or as Senator Ted Kennedy would say "Osama Obama"), over Senator Hillary Clinton. Is this an indication of Obama's appeal, or is it a lack of understanding of who this man really is! If you have read his book "The Audacity Of Hope", you might get the impression that he is a reasonable person, but his underlying core is one of leftist, socialistic beliefs, and no amount of sugar coating, will make his medicine go down any easier.

Fighting back from a devastating loss in Iowa, Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to recalibrate her campaign in New Hampshire Friday by promising to answer as many voter questions as possible.

New Hampshire could make or break Clinton's candidacy. A good showing in this snowbound state may be her only chance to stem the bleeding from Thursday night's Iowa caucuses, where voters resoundingly rejected her message of experience in favor of a charismatic newcomer, Barack Obama.

I have some Republican friends who said they attended the caucuses as "Democrats" to mess with the system, by supporting Obama, and put a hitch in Hillary's candidacy. If this is true, this win could be an illusion. If any of you know this to be true, please leave a comment, and let us know if this type of "politics" was being practiced yesterday.

New Hampshire was Bill Clinton's "Come Back Kid, Win", when he ran for the Presidency, and it could be asked if this will be Hillary's lot as well. She is a seasoned politician, and if she feels threatened, she will lash out and tear little Obama to shreds, "figuratively" of course, so if she does have "information" that can hurt him, we shall surely see an example of it coming out as the first primary arrives!!

As for Governor Huckabee winning the Republican caucus, it was surely a good win for him, but more importantly it was a stinging defeat for Mitt Romney, as he had spent alot of time and money here, to end up so poorly, and sadly it gives Manchurian McCain another shot at the candidacy, as he moves up in the polls in New Hampshire. A strong showing there will upset the Republican applecart, and the race will be open for anyone left standing by the February 5th, (Super Tuesday) caucuses and primaries. Scary times indeed!!

shake up

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Fact Checking Politicians

The caucuses are here, and the politicians are play fast and loose with the truth. However, there is an organization out there that is keeping busy, checking and rechecking what they say, so that we may be better informed.

With scam statistics, baseless criticisms, misquotes, and cockeyed memories, the truth gets a battering on the campaign trail in the hands of candidates for the White House.

But imprecision is a venerable US political tradition, according to, an independent watchdog which aims to "hold politicians accountable" for what they say.

Have a Great Iowa Caucus Night, and we shall be anxious to see the results later this evening!!


Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Justice Launches Criminal Probe In CIA Tapes

There is a story I was just reading that "kicks it up a notch" in the investigation into the destruction of the CIA tapes.

The U.S. Justice Department said on Wednesday it had launched a criminal investigation into the CIA's destruction of videotapes showing the harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects.

"There is a basis for initiating a criminal investigation of this matter, and I have taken steps to begin that investigation," said Attorney General Michael Mukasey.

It seems that what started out as a simple story about the CIA trying to protect its' operatives in the questioning of terrorist suspects, may evolve into a criminal matter, as the multiple inquiries move forward.


Scotland Yard To Investigate Bhutto Assassination

In a story I was just reading, there is an indication that we might find out who killed Benazit Bhutto, as Scotland Yard will be on the case.

Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf said Wednesday that he had requested a team of investigators from Britain's Scotland Yard to assist in the investigation into the killing of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto.

"We decided to request a team from Scotland Yard to come. I sent the request to (British) Prime Minister (Gordon) Brown, and he accepted the request," Musharraf said, adding that the British team would assist local investigators.

I think we can all agree that Scotland Yard has a sterling reputation as one of the best investigative agencies in the world. Perhaps there will be a proper conclusion to this most troubling case! We shall keep an eye on this probe and where it leads!

scotland yard

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Hangover Cures?

Happy New Year, and if you are like many others out there today, "suffering" from a hangover, due to excessive imbibing of alcoholic beverages. I found a story on Yahoo, by a Dr. Mao, and his hangover "cures"!

Holiday time calls for celebration, and some of us have had the experience of a little too much merrymaking resulting in consequences the next morning, namely, a hangover.

Remember to drink lots of water as well, as your body needs to rehydrate!! Have A Wonderful Lazy New Years Day!!
