Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Return Of Carville And Begala?

The polls are not even closed yet in New Hampshire and the "rumors" are already flying that their will be a radical shake up in Hillary's campaign, beginning with the return of two old campaign pro's.

The official denials have been issued, but the buzz all around the Hillary Clinton for president camp is that Jim Carville and Paul Begala, will ride to the rescue of a campaign that is expected to suffer a serious loss in today's New Hampshire primary.

The strategists behind Bill Clinton's 1992 "comeback kid" presidential race will try to forge a comeback for the New York senator in a contest where her "star power" is being eclipsed by Illinois Senator Barack Obama's surging candidacy.

If they are back, is the War Room far behind, (only this time will it be used to destroy Obama, instead of just knocking down charges and allegations against Hillary, as it had to do with Bill, and the "Bimbo Eruptions"-from Jennifer Flowers, on down.)?!! This race is going to get a lot more interesting after tonight, as these "boys" play "down and dirty" politics like no others! Bye, Bye, Barack, You will meet the enemy, and it will be Carville & Begala, and your life will be dissected "like a forensic pathologist autopsying a body"!!

So far it's just rumors, but if it is true this race is going to get real fun, real fast!!


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