Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Obama And McCain Win Early Vote

Well the big day is here and Obama and McCain take early leads as Dixville Notch votes and reports their results, as they have since 1960. The fun begins in earnest today.

Sen. Barack Obama won seven of the 10 votes cast for Democrats in the first balloting of the New Hampshire primary on Tuesday in the northern hamlet of Dixville Notch, while Sen. John McCain won the Republican balloting.

Ballots by all 17 registered voters were cast and counted just after midnight on Tuesday in the remote White Mountain town that takes advantage of a state law allowing communities to close polls once voting is over and announce the results.

This will be a make or break contest for some of the candidates, but as Bill Clinton has been reminding people, when he ran he lost the first 5 states, before turning things around, so while it may be an important day, the true shake out will not occur until at least February 5th (Super Duper Tuesday). Hillary "choking up" yesterday may have been contrived, but it did make her a "little" more human, and I guess that is the best that she can do at this late date. Obama and McCain are surging and everyone else is running scared.

Anyway have a great "political" day as we now seeing everything ratcheted up, which is great fun for political "junkies" like myself. I hope you can enjoy our democracy in action as well, whether it be "dirty tricks", mudslinging, it is what we are about, and can be educational and entertaining!! Have A GREAT Day!!


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