Saturday, January 12, 2008

Another Dan Wants to Ask You A Question

From Dan aka Ronnie aka Phoenix Princess's Husband's Post!!
Dan Writes:

Here's a question, and I would really like to know what you think...

Do you want our government to take care of you?

Take a minute and think about it. Think about what it means to you, and what it means to me, what that means to all of us.
I'll get into my ideas, thoughts, feelings as our discussion progresses.
And I do mean discussion. No name calling, let's be civil (Joe, that means you can't call Ronnie a right wing, religious wacko. Ronnie, you can't call Ex-Stripper a tree-huggin', drum circle chantin', hemp wearin' hippie. J and KC, please play nice. War-Dog, say whatever the hell you want (Semper Fi, borther!)
So, do YOU want our government to take care of you?
(and feel free to pass a link to this around, I would like lot's of opinions)

And My Answer:


I am here through Ronnie's post, and you asked a good question. I agree with most of what has been said by Ronnie, Brian, and Princess Paula, and only wish the Government could take care of what they are supposed too, and leave the rest to We The People, and Leave Us The Hell Alone!!

They should fix the VA, as their troubles go back to the F$$%$$% Reagan Admnistration who screwed over Combat Veterans like my father, and caused their early deaths through neglect, and mis-management of Veteran's resources, and spent us into the Abyss, through to the current administration and Congress that gave us the Bridge to NoWhere and every other spending earmark that will keep us in debt for the next 3000 years. All Congressmen should be tried, sentenced, and executed for treason, the government should then begin again with true citizen politicians who go there for a short time too secure our borders, protect our country, and leave us alone!!

I shall send some more folks your way!!


Please stop by his blog and give him your thoughts. Thank You!!


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