Monday, February 11, 2008

Superdelegates May Decide Democratic Race

In what is daily getting to be a more interesting race between Clinton and Obama, there is a story of Hillarys continuing lead among Superdelegates, and the power that they may wield at their Democratic convention.

Hillary Rodham Clinton retains her lead among suddenly critical Democratic Party insiders even as Barack Obama builds up his delegate margin with primary and caucus victories across the country, according to a survey by The Associated Press.

Of the 796 lawmakers, governors and party officials who are Democratic superdelegates, Clinton had 243 and Obama had 156. That edge was responsible for Clinton's overall advantage in the pursuit of delegates to secure the party's nomination for president. According to the AP's latest tally, Clinton has a total of 1,136 delegates and Obama has 1,108, following Obama's victory Sunday in Maine's caucuses. A candidate must get 2,025 delegates to capture the nomination.

This is a fascinating turn of events, and I am just sorry that the Republican contest seems to be over, except for the "official" title at their convention, as I was hoping for fun from both sides for most of the Spring, to satiate the political "junkie" in me. Oh well at least one party will entertain in the fight, and in truth the other party may still provide entertainment as McCain tries to convince (lies to) Conservatives that he is just like them!!lol!! Politics is fun!!


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