Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Best Bumper Stickers Part 3 And 4

I think I shall continue with the bumper stickers as we await the latest from the floods, and hope for the best.
I get some weird and off beat catalogs, and a couple of them are the ones with the clever, funny, stupid slogans~~like bumper sticker type slogans, and the ones on t-shirts, so I thought what the heck, it is extremely slow at the Coral Ridge Mall, so why not find the best ones, and do a series of posts. I decided to break it up as it got kind of annoying reading through the whole list.
So here is part 3 in the series, and always if you have one that is not on the list, please send it to me at, or post it in the comments. Thanks to Bob Patton for already adding some to my previous posts:

I feel better after I wine a little.

Squirrels - nature's speed bumps.

I'm still a hot babe, but now it it comes in flashes.

National Spellling Bee Runer-Up

The winner of the rat race is still a rat.

The Moral Majority is neither.

Dyslexics Untie!

Sorry if I look interested, I'm not!

I would rather hunt with Dick Cheney than drive with Ted Kennedy.

When I want your opinion, I'll beat it out of you.

In case of Rapture, can I have your car?

Custer wore an Arrow shirt.

I'm pink, therefore I'm SPAM.

I love animals. They're delicious.

I poke badgers with spoons.

Be alert. The world needs more lerts.


I get some weird and off beat catalogs, and a couple of them are the ones with the clever, funny, stupid slogans~~like bumper sticker type slogans, and the ones on t-shirts, so I thought what the heck, it is extremely slow at the Coral Ridge Mall, so why not find the best ones, and do a series of posts. I decided to break it up as it got kind of annoying reading through the whole list.
So here is part 4 in the series, and always if you have one that is not on the list, please send it to me at, or post it in the comments. Thanks:

Keep on working, millions on welfare depend on you!

Black holes are where God divided by zero.

Veni, Vidi, VD. I came, I saw, I cankered.

I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to become a vegetarian!

Alcohol and calculus don't mix. DON'T DRINK AND DERIVE!

Kids in the back seat cause accidents; Accidents in the back seat cause kids.

Money is the root of all evil. For more information, send $10 to me.

That's not a haircut, it's a cry for help.

If you observe this vehicle being operated in an unsafe manner, please try to think of it as one more anomoly in the cosmic order.

If God is within, I hope he likes enchiladas!

So many stupid people, and so few asteroids.

Want a little taste of religion? Bite the minister.

I didn't believe in reincarnation in my last life, either!

Excess is never too much in moderation.

My mind is like a steel trap. Rusty and illegal in most states.

To err is human, to moo bovine.

Think globally, Act galactically.

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