Friday, June 13, 2008

Flooding And Friday The 13th

PLEASE LET ME CLARIFY THAT DECISIONS THAT ARE MADE BY THE CORAL RIDGE MALL ARE A PRODUCT OF GENERAL GROWTH PROPERTIES, AND NOT THE JUST ACTIONS OF THEIR EMPLOYEES. Monica Nadeau is the Manager here at Coral Ridge Mall, and has always been attentive and a decent person, so I realize there are often things that are above our heads, when we work with large corporations. I apologize for implying that it was her fault for remaining open during this serious event!!

Good Morning! It is a day of more flooding in Iowa City/Coralville, and most of the eastern part of the state. It is also Friday the 13th, which I know spooks some people, though truthfully, I try and make it a lucky day every year. This year will be more difficult with all of the suffering of my fellow Iowans, but will continue to plan for the worst, and hope for the best!!

The Coral Ridge Mall is open, so we can waste valuable resources for the the very few "genuises" who will come out here today, and this weekend. I will not say anything more about these people, except to remind them of Karma~~so while people in Cedar Rapids, do not have enough water, except for drinking, and no power in many areas, we shall be open regular hours burning electricity, and wasting water~~and currently there are exactly 21 people in the food court, and probably 85 employees, just in the food court, with several hundred throughout the entire mall and anchor stores. So we all took showers, drove autos (some for 2 hours, due to limited access, as roads are cut off by the flooding), all to serve a few "genuises" with more time, than sense on their hands!! Aren't we special!! This is way more important, than being part of the community, and spending time, and resources helping people in need!!

Anyway enough about the Mall "powers that be", and their unmitigated greed, and on to Friday the 13th, with a look at its' history and things associated with 13. The first will be the word of the day:

Triskaidekaphobia (noun)
Pronunciation: [tris-kê-de-kê-'fo-bee-yê]
Definition: Fear of the number "13." (Still doubt English has a word for everything?)
Usage: Sufferers of triskaidekaphobia are triskaidekaphobes (agent noun) because they are triskaidekaphobic (adjective). The antonym is triskaidekaphilia "love of the number 13." If 13 is your lucky number, you are a triskaidekaphile. If misandrist is someone who hates men and misogynist, someone who hates women, someone who hates the number 13 but doesn't let it frighten him, would have to be a mistriskaidekist. Such a person would not avoid "13" but would fearlessly deface or remove the number whenever he encountered it.
Suggested Usage: Triskaidekaphobes are at home in US elevators (unless they are also claustrophobic) since elevators in the US do not list a 13th floor. Meanwhile, on the 12th floor, terror struck the once comfortable triskaidekaphobia support group when the newest member, number 13, knocked at the door.
Etymology: Greek treiskaideka "thirteen," based on treis "three" + kai "and" + deka "ten" + New Latin phobia "fear." The PIE word for "three" is well preserved in all Indo-European languages: German "drei," French "trois," Russian tri, Sanskrit "tri," Greek "tria," whence "triad," Scandinavian "tre," Spanish "tres," Romany "trin." The name of the "trillium," with its triplets of leaves, seems to derive from Swedish trilling "triplet." Latin decem, Greek deka "ten" and English "ten" also share the same origin, for the English form derives via Germanic *tehan, a normal reduction of PIE *dekem (with [m] becoming [n]). The same original root gave us "dime," "dozen," "decimate," and "December," which once was the 10th month.

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