Sunday, March 30, 2008

Melissa's Muse IS Active

Melissa's Muse has been very active the last few days, and I would like share what she has been working on this weekend. Thanks!!

The first little morsel is called:

"Laugh While It's Funny"

Politics and Phonics tricks~
is what we teach our young,

We teach them to hate~
and seal their fate,

And pretend we're not among,

The ones to blame~
for all man's shame,

As we sing the song we've sung,

We are the World~
we are God's will,

We are God's chosen one,

But none of us~
want to realize,

That Satan's having his fun!


The second is called "Boo!" and should be read to the tempo of Vincent Price's part in Thriller:)


When you creep around at night,
expecting to just find,

The boogeyman, ghosts and ghouls,
or freaks of any kind,

Be careful what you wish for,
cuz wishes do come true,

And those scary things your searching for,
just may indeed find you!

And the last one for this post is called:

"Mirror Image"

Graduate from human lust,
from hate, anger, and any trust,

Pretend your strong and full of light,
but run away, when things get tight,

Never look back, never give in,
unless it's convenient to admit a sin,

Sell your soul, sell your wife,
whatever it takes to save your life,

For now a prisoner of the state,
and justice comes to seal your fate,

Ane when you stand before your savior,
I bet you'll rethink all your behavior.

Because in the end we all shall see,
who is who, and who are We.


Thanks for letting me share her musings! Take Care and have a Great Sunday Evening:)

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