Thursday, March 13, 2008

MySpace Friend Asks Fallon Resigns,Is War With Iran Imminent?

MySpace Friend Paris Love, Ex-Stripper, did an excellent post on the resignation of Admiral Fallon, and what may be coming as a result, and has given me permission to re-post her post. Therefore here is the lead-in and please follow the link to read the rest, and please leave any comments you may have for her:

While the nation is titillated over the hypocritical actions of NY’s horny governor, this little tidbit of national news is being ignored by the masses.

Admiral Fallon is Gen. Petreaus’ boss. Second only to the president in operations in the Middle East. Admiral Fallon has said publicly that he will not be party to any attack on Iran, and here we are, with him resigning his post.

Do your own research and draw your own conclusions. My guess? Bush knows no better way to stimulate the economy than to wage war. Every time the economy stagnates in the last 20 years or so, a new war crops up. Iran is looking to using the Euro for the oil trade instead of the petrodollar (Saddam Hussein’s challenge just before we invaded Iraq). Our economy is backed on the petrodollar. All oil on the planet must be traded in petrodollars in order for the US economy to stay afloat (in a nutshell).

We (United States) are the oil pimps of the planet. The oil producing whores are getting sick of the pimp taking their money and we need to smack-a-ho to make sure they stay in line.

I’m keeping a close eye on this new global development. My lawmakers are going to hear from me, often and loudly. Guess who else has threatened to switch to petroeuros? Venezuela. Hmmmmm, aren’t we supposed to hate them, too? It would be interesting to see where Columbia is getting it’s money to fight against Venezuelan rebels.

Thanks, now please follow the link for her conclusion!!

MySpace Friend Asks Fallon Resigns,Is War With Iran Imminent?

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